There is something up with getting one shot immediately after landing with leapquake. Dont know if this is combo with barrier or other witch powers. So done with this crap at the start of EVERY SEASON. First i died speed farming on lower tier Pits then died early leveling with godly tempers and aspects. Both cases taking 0 damage and immediately dead from trash mobs. Fix the game PLEASE!
Might be something to do with witch power barrier, cause I’ve been one shot twice now with maxed out GA gear in t3 pits, and one of those times I even had rahir with cd avaible to supposedly prevent one shots.
nice game ma gangne de cave, D4 Bad, D4 Dogexcrement.
I wasn’t leaping, but I was proccing earthquakes. Maybe these geniuses inverted the damage reduction offered by the leap aspect and instead gives us 40% more dmg taken.
Same here, one shote twice, used barrier and leap
yup, I have had it happen several times. At first I thought it was me, but even if I have all buffs up, etc…it still will happen, not all the time, but it does get very frustrating. Couple that with horrifically bad Altar and Head spawn/drop rates and the PooPoo ChooChoo definitely picks up steam.
Same happened to me leaped in and insta died to trash mobs.