Omg... you still don't get it

Honestly, what a ridiculous notion.

We don’t like the game because you delivered a really bad version that was incomplete from design to testing and also infrastructure and capacity planning.

It’s not because you didn’t “manage” us properly. Get over yourself, and change this horrible behavior. That’s your problem, you don’t “MANAGE” customers, you serve them. You are here because of us, because we put our faith in you to deliver an excellent product and service worthy of this franchise.

Also, if you want to release partial fixes, that’s perfectly fine… but communicate that. Communicate your intentions and we will be okay with that.

It’s like watching a two year old slowly figure out that you shouldn’t put the square peg in the triangle shape hole…

I’m sorry yall, but this is just ridiculous.



I’m pretty sure expectations are pretty low at this point. Not sure there is anything to manage there.


Lmao. Fair point. I guess I should lower mine.


This is literally what he said they did wrong. He specifically said that the problem was that they dropped 2/3 of an update and didn’t communicate that it was 2/3 of an update. That is what he means by managing expectations.

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BTW he’s the one who said in a stream before the game’s launch that they/we only have Uber Lilith for end game (that’s how I knew that the game isn’t yet finished but I bought it anyway). In that sense, he did try to manage expectation. TBH I didn’t expect that he’d be that honest.



I was the first to start and the first to finish my seasonal journey in D3. I love the franchise. But this game? Worst start than D3 was, by a LARGE margin. I don’t see D4 being on my playlist until the new year, honestly.


Yes, that’s right. I should clarify, it should be obvious that they need to communicate their intentions. The bigger problem is not managing us or our expectations. It’s the heart of the game that is the issue.

Agreed. I think their blunder isn’t about setting expectations. I don’t care if they tell us about a bad patch 2 months in advance, it’s still a bad patch.

They need to be forthcoming and acknowledge 60-100 is slow and non rewarding. Acknowledge that there isn’t a repeatable end game that is rewarding. Acknowledge itemization is bad and stash space is bad.

After you acknowledge that, lay out your planned solutions!

S2 is a bandaid for inventory management by bringing gems into currency tab. Gotta get more details on their end game farming for targeted uniques, that has some hope.


Karen, is that you?

Jokes aside, it sounds like you’ve never been on the service provider’s side. The responsibility of managing the customer-provider relationship falls solely on the provider’s shoulders. It is a constant balancing act trying to keep the customer near you, but not push them too far away.

Customers, by their position and their right, are constantly attempting to run the provider into the ground, and they will do just that if you let them. On the flip side, if you push them too far away, they’ll just go find another provider.

You here complaining is actually a W for the provider.


ive expected a better lootsystem and other ways around to enjoy the game at max level. Even knowing the lack of specific endcontent. I thought it is a base feature of an aRPG to have a working loot system.


Manage the customers ? LOL! Enough for someone to quit already. That is very very offensive. The customers paid for any gaming products to entertain them….not paid to be managed by someone. There are other stuff for that


I originally thought the same thing when I started reading the article. When I got more through it though, I think he is actually talking about managing themselves. I could be wrong but I don’t think he is talking about managing our expectations as the article initially reads in the beginning.

Edit: And also managing it from a point of letting us know what is going on in full instead of the nerf patch.

Well, yes. I have supported them for years and I want them to make it better, to try to communicate my frustrations and give them a better understanding of myself and others who feel this way. Because right now, I see a company that has lost their way and is disconnected from their customers.


No, they tried to manage their own team and products but they failed, because they just don’t play “the game”!!!

You can’t blame them when developing D4 is a job, when you go home, you want to play COD instead of D4


I feel ya. Blizzard has slowly been shifting their style from players/creativity first, to money first.


They acknowledged this.

They acknowledged this.

They identified the major problems with it and are working on improvements. And no, “too many conditional affixes” isn’t actually a problem.

They acknowledged this.

They have said they are planning to adjust XP to make 60-100 less of a slog. They are adding new repeatable bosses with S2 to give more to do along that path. They have talked about adjusting how resists work to make the higher difficulty mobs more interesting to face. They are adding a new competitive mode in S3 along with leaderboards for it.

They have said they are removing gems from the stash and adding search and filter options. They have added one stash tab and say they are working on a fix to be able to add more.

They have (correctly) identified the power level of crit and vuln, the weakness of resists and alternate damage paths like overpower and dots, the weakness of some uniques, and the inability to target farm things you want as key issues with the itemization. They are taking steps to address these things in S2. They also already buffed some uniques and are likely looking at a patch to buff more of them prior to S2 (no word on specifics yet, but they did say that it was coming). They will likely continue taking more steps in that direction.

I get how you could look at this announcement in isolation and think that it doesn’t address every issue in the game. It doesn’t. But the devs are moving in the right direction and they have been laying out their plans and their philosophy on this over the course of several live streams and additional direct responses to questions. A big marketing announcement isn’t the place to do that.


yes, and all this is still lacking the #1 issue which is acknowledging that we have a general itemization issue at its core. The base of every aRPG is finding Loot and having a system behind it to encourage you to farm it.

Right now this game is a Trade Simulator, not an aRPG.


Can you blame them for being silent when the community acts like they’re the cops?

In the sense that anything they say or do will be held against them and be used to beat on them more until morale improves.

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Who tf thought its good idea to release 2/3 of a patch. Sounds dumb af even if communicated “properly.”


HUH? Can you provide an example of this?