Any tips to minimize burn in? Just switched from QN90a to C2 and im afraid static parts of image will damage my screen.
Enable screenshake lol.
How can a burn in happen with all the loading screens?
Blizzard has implemented a double loading screen for NM teleports, only for you!
So I have two OLEDs, a Sony A80J for movies/PS5 and a C2 for PC. The A80J will show slight image retention from time to time, but that’s perfectly normal on an OLED and is only concerning if it doesn’t clear within a minute or two. I’ve had zero image retention on the C2 despite using more static elements and for longer periods of time.
LG has really focused hard on reducing burn-in and they’ve done a great job. If it actually bothers you that much you can buy LG extended warranty. Both the manufacturers’ warranty and the extended LG warranty completely cover burn-in.
One tip I’d say is to swap the UI from “centered” to “left” and vice versa during each play session. If you have a 4 hour session and you use a centered UI, then swap to left for the next 4 hours and vice versa etc…
Can you just not buy oled if it has burnin issues?
Most modern OLEDs sold in the last 2-3 years have pixel shift, which minimises image retention burn in to a point where it is almost non-existent. I have a Sony 55" OLED that I’ve had for nearly 4 years and touch wood zero issues with burn in yet. Despite playing a LOT of D4 and other games.
Most OLEDS will have a periodic process to assist with this too - usually takes around an hour or so to run. When prompted by your TV, run it.
If in doubt, don’t run an OLED panel for gaming. Samsung’s qpanel {“QLED”) TVs have very good NITS (better than even the current generation OLEDs) and no image retention issues, but their DR (Dynamic range) and true Black points are not as good as a true OLED panel (but they are now coming very close, making them an excellent option for most consumers imho). Prices are now very reasonable too, although 3 or so years ago when the technology first came onto the market, they were very high priced, even more so than OLEDs).
I hope this helps.
Sure…but it becomes costly if you want a setup for home TV and then also gaming…not all of us have the spare cash to afford multiple TV systems for multiple purposes.
Yeah sadly im switching from QE50QN90A due to slow local dimming in game mode. Ever since i saw this problem i couldnt bear to play games anymore. Sadly over course of few weeks i started seeing same problem when watching movies.
Ill get the 5 year warranty for tv for 100€ so i can be worry-free regarding.
Thank you for explaining it to me:)
That’s interesting, cos that’s a QLED TV which doesn’t use organic LEDs and shouldn’t really suffer from burn in issues. Dimming could be as a result of the back light on that part of the panel (unless the dimming is all over?). It’s probably well worth getting Samsung to look at it - could be a simple fix.
Thats the thing, its not burn in. Its samsungs slow local dimming that gives me problem
This issue is only less noticable with local dimming setting to lowest. Problem persists on qn90a, Qn90b, and a lot more if i read AVS forums right:(
It’s the nature of the lighting panels behind the screen. They probably have a certain longevity. I wonder what their MTTF is (does Samsung publish this or can they make this information available to a consumer upon request?). I’ve always found Samsung’s QA to be questionable and it’s not a brand that I tend to buy to be honest.
I would contact Samsung and see what they say about the matter. No harm in reaching out to them!
Had a bit of burn in from DPS meters on WoW. White text but the panel refresh feature after a year of use wiped it clean and now it’s like it was on the first day ^^ I wouldn’t sweat it. Took playing like 8-12 hours a day for a month for that to happen.
Pop into menus periodically if you’re worried.
Hey ! I played a lot of D4 on my Samsung S95B OLED since the release (Like 10 hours per day). No movies, no TV Show, only D4.
Since 3 days, i have definitely burn in on my OLED TV… We can see xp bar, and skills bar, and some pad touch below skills bar HUD… only when i put a fix screen with a full colour screen for example.
My TV is only 10 month old, with full protect panel activated… I’m really disappointed with this problem…
Prices are reasonable? What a quack.
Enable pixel shift, limit game time, play other content. Really burn in only happens when it’s completely static. Like the cnn logo always being in the same spot. Because there are loading screens, you open your map, play other games, watch movies, etc it may not be as static as you think.
I’ve been using a LG C1 for almost 3 years now, not a single issue with burn in and I play games a lot, like 8+ hours a day.
My main tip would be to have no icons on your desktop, a pure black background and autohide your taskbar.
I have the C1. The built in anti burn features should be enough. I’ve had mine for a year with zero issues.
Step 1, don’t buy OLED for a monitor.
Step 2, profit.
I disagree. This LG C1 is the best monitor I’ve ever owned. It’s especially nice in FPS games. I see things in Destiny 2 I never noticed before. It’s made specifically for gaming. GSYNC, 1ms input, 4k, 120hz. Although I wish I had the smaller version. I have the 55 inch version…my poor neck.
I would stay with Samsung as they are guarantied not to have burn in and come with a 10 year warranty for it. I have a 43" Neo QLED as my main screen.