Oldstones Dungeon - Collect Animus

I full cleared Oldstones Dungeon in Scosglen but didn’t collect enough Animus from mobs to unlock the boss room. Looks like i’m 1 Animus orb short?


I just had the exact same thing happen to me with this dungeon. Fully cleared all the mobs but not enough Animus to unlock the door.

Same please fix @blizzard.

I came back and did a 2nd run, got enough 2nd time around. still sucks though

Same thing just happened to me 2x in a row

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Just ran this today, same thing for me. Not enough Animus to open the Boss Gate. I REALLY wanted this Aspect too.

same here, literally still in the dungeon looking and I’m about 95% done.

Me too. Having the same issue roughly 95%. Fully cleared both parts of dungeon and cant open gate. Wasted 45 minutes before googling.

Edit: blizz this is one of the most enticing aspects for necro. Please fix this.

Dont want to risk running it over and over again wasting more time. Already lost 2 hours of progression due to DCing yesterday.

Yes, me too. It’s a bug.

Same here…Just wasted 30 min really combing the dungeon but nada

same. SO I noted that the spider I killed right before entering the underground thicket (still in Lush Ruins) was named an animus carrier. I killed him before the the animus leg of the quest populated.

::EDIT:: after resetting the dungeon and making sure not to kill the spider outside its area, I completed the dungeon

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