Ok Blizzard we need to talk about the death respawn location in The Pit

Cause that last run I did was stupid, I was farming lv 31 and got though the first section but was unlucky and died a few times in the next section though the portal, but each time I died it put me back waaaaaaaaaay back in the first section before entering the portal and I had to run back much much further than was fair 15-20 seconds to get back to my corpse +the death time penalty completely wiped out the run.

Most other times it’s been ok, but for what ever reason the run back was too far, if you’ve entered the portal for the 2nd area then that’s the MAXIMUM you should get placed back.


Wait until you die on the boss. Right now, it’s a crapshoot where your respawn point will be. In Season five, the “fix” is to waste previous time exploring the bottom two corners of the area to either side of the portal you enter to fight the boss instead of just giving you that location outright as your respawn point without making you jump through a pointless and time wasting hoop.

yeah i died to the boss in a pit and it spawned me on map 1 close to the entrance of the dungeon it took me 2 minutes to get back to the boss… it sucks

how hard is it really to just have you spawn back at the top of the boss room… it opens a portal when you kill enough guys so you can click the portal to go to that boss area… its so lame

You would have had to die at least 6 times to completely wipe out the run.
30s death penalty + 20s “much much further than was fair” runback
60 + 20
90 + 20
90 + 20
90 + 20
90 + 20

That’s 9.5 minutes. That leaves you 5.5 minutes to complete the Pits, which is about 2 minutes more than you really need.

You failed the Pit because you played badly and/or pushed too high of a Tier. Why are you taking the time to post publicly about your failure and pretend something else is the problem? Either way, it’s your fault. The long runback is an opportunity to reflect on your failure.


I’ll give you credit, this is a well thought out troll post. Completely irrelevant to the OPs issue though. Even its’ predecessor wouldn’t spawn you back at or near the beginning.

Your math is also wrong. You have to take into account the amount of time it would take to run back from where you respawned, not just the amount of time it takes off the timer. Which can range from 10 seconds to a full minute if not more.


Plac HC… you will never have this problems.


Read my “troll post” again. I accounted for that runback time using the OP’s own ‘15-20 seconds’
Also, it doesn’t take a ‘full minute’ to sprint from the Guardian portal to the Pit entrance. If it does, you have no Move Speed equipped.

Listen, just because someone isn’t saying things like “oh you poor precious soul” or “yeah, that’s a hurdle that should be removed”, it doesn’t mean they’re trolling.

This game is too freaking easy as is and people are too accustomed to dying. they’re too accustomed to failure having no penalty. Complaining about 20 seconds of running back to where you died instead of stopping and figuring out what you did wrong is just plain backwards.

  • In Diablo 2, you dropped all your gear and had to run naked from town.
  • In Diablo 4, you can die up to 6 times and still succeed and and it’s still too inconvenient for these people.

There is the potential for a GREAT game somewhere in the bones of Diablo 4, but the more these freaking sissypants complain about “it takes more than 5 hours to level” or “it’s not fun when I die” or “it takes too long to BUY THE BEST GEAR IN THE GAME OFF A FREAKING VENDOR” the worse the game gets.

You should have to start at the beginning of the pit every single time you die. I bet people would start dying less.

When you start closing to the limit you Build can do in terms of Pit level, time can become an issue. Losing 20 seconds because you have to go back to a portal or because you have to backtrack because you reach a dead end, can be the difference between failing of succeeding the level. I think the OP complain makes sense.

It’s really strange actually. I get turned around so easily IRL, half the time I end up running the wrong direction.

Let me ask you this, in Diablo 2 getting back to your gear, which sometimes wasn’t even possible due to where you died and the enemies surrounding your corpse, were you having fun? There’s a reason why players aren’t playing D2R like they did back in the day. The game had its time, it’s now over, move on.

Your whole post blames the OP for their mistakes, which while true it is their mistake, it’s also the mistake of Blizzard to add in a random checkpoint spawn area when you die. It adds insult to injury when its predecessor did it far better. The Pits themselves are clunky as all hell, and it’s not just the respawn location that’s the issue.

I bet people would stop doing the Pit even earlier. Who would this help? In all honesty. There’s a difference between difficulty and annoyance. This mechanic is annoying, not difficult. The more you add this into the game, the less likely people are to repeat it. Let me clarify, they won’t die less often in the Pit, they’ll quite literally not go into the Pit.

You teach people that their death comes with 3 deterrents, 1 of which makes it even more difficult if you’re already low on time, to get back into the fight quicker. Enemy HP resets, your durability takes a hit, and your timer is reduced all on top of having to run back from who knows where. Next you’re going to tell us you want the game to kick you out upon 1 death, so you have to start over from scratch and lose materials.

So now you’re punishing people 3 fold to try and push themselves within the Pit to get higher and higher. While this doesn’t affect the hardcore elitists such as yourself that apparently never die and can run back in record time, you aren’t thinking of the average player just trying to have fun in a game meant for leisure.

By all means, go back a few Pit tiers, run what you can easier, but to have a random spawn location on top of everything else makes literally no sense.

In before bob comes trolling again.

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It is an annoyance, not a difficulty mechanic. MY only guess is that the game “saves” your progress at certain points in the pit runs. You would think one of these save spots is when you come through the boss portal, but no. When you do get to the boss portal, run down to the bottom of the map first and then go fight the boss. Apparently it saves it there.

You can have time to reflect on what you did after the run, not while the timer is ticking down.

I wouldnt mind if they brought back the 3 choices from d3 upon death

  1. Spawn at corpse
  2. Spawn at last check point
  3. Spawn back in town
    I really dont get why they removed all the qol that they added in d3 for d4 >.>

I respectfully disagree with just about everything you’ve written in there.

The D2 corpse bug was a just that - a bug - and using it like that was a strawman. No one’s asking for more bugs.

If people decide to stop doing the Pit because the runback is worse instead of deciding to stop dying, meh, screw 'em.

Those ‘three deterrents’ are laughable. Of course HP resets. Repair costs basically don’t exist.

I’m an average player! I play this for leisure!
I’m also not wrong for wanting there to be a challenge & I’m not wrong for wanting there to be punitive consequences any more than the OP isn’t wrong for wanting to be able to die 6 times in a Tier 31 pit and still get credit for success. It’s just opinions, I guess.

But jeezy fing creezy, one playstyle makes you grow as a player and the other playstyle makes you stamp your feet and whine until the devs just wrap everything up in a neat little bow and hand it to you. “Thanks for buying the accelerated seasonal pass! We appreciate your money. Is there any other way we can make this game easier for you so you spend more money?”

Don’t like the runback in the Pit? Stop. Freaking. Dying.

omg I just saw this

Not only that you are respawned as far aways as possible, but sometimes you also need to wait 5 to 10 seconds before the final door unseals again.

Drives me nuts.

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I wonder too, why I get often respawned in an parallel-universe!
Well… that’s Blizz-Logic…

Just another reason why I don’t play the PIT any more. This has been an issue since they Introduced the Pit.