Oh no more Code 7

I haven’t played D4 in over 3 weeks and decided to come back and see how I feel about the game after a break.
15 minutes of Code 7 says it all.


Sorry OP but I never had that issue. I think maybe it’s on your end? Just trying to help.

Common Problems

* I receive Error Code 7 when trying to login to Diablo IV.

  • I get “There was a problem logging in (Code 7)” when trying to play Diablo IV.

This message is related to getting the incorrect information from Battle.net during the login process. If you receive this error when connecting to Diablo IV, try the following troubleshooting.

  1. Ensure that you are using the Battle.net Desktop Application to launch the game. Using other game managers or the Diablo IV.exe file may cause this error.

  1. Restart your computer to resolve problems caused by programs and services running in the background.

  1. If you still can’t log in, reset your password.

Source: Blizzard Support - Error Code 7 for Diablo IV


In my hundreds of hours playing, I’ve never even heard of this error, let alone seen it.

It’s on your end.

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You think your sole anecdotal case of never experiencing the issue means it’s on his end?

Let me guess, you also believe nobody can be hit by lightning or get attacked by sharks amirite?

You probably also believe sex is made up, if I had to guess.


I’ve never had this happen either but my buddy did. He closed out app and reopened and it worked.

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That’s not doing much to help. More like a defense is what this sounds like. :rofl:

Contact customer support, and if it where me, I’d re-install battle.net to see if that helps, being that the problem is potentially isolated to battle.net on your end.

It’s a random issue currently affecting the Battle.net app itself. It’s far less common on the Windows platform, but currently the macOS side (WoW/D3) has both login issues and failure to install and/or update. The app on both platforms is a downright mess right now. While most haven’t had Code 7, many have had failed logins entirely due to that part of the app being kind of borked in the latest two patches.


Sharks are a mythical creature, like Elves or Koreans. They all look beautiful and cool, but they do not exist in real life.

Sir this thread is over a year old. I just have one question. How did you find this thread?


I dont know how or why the previous poster found this thread, but i found it by looking up what a code 7 was because trying to log in just gave me that and I was curious. (I can log in fine now after restarting everything) Not sure what the issue was there.

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Looks like we are in a special group getting code 7. I’m so sick of these game hijinxs.