I’m tired of parties that are 4 sprit borns, so thought I would gift free boss runs, free glyph leveling, but didn’t get a single taker. On whatever game server I was on I think there were 0 sorcs and 0 druids playing and that is just sad.
I don’t think so. I have alts like minion necro, charged bolt sorc, ww barb and every time I make a pit group for 60-80 the group fills like in 3 minutes. They are there, just doing lower content.
8,159 players on Steam rn.
The carry class can no longer carry.
I have a druid and a barb, but I play those to see how my builds will do against the game on their own. I don’t want to be carried, when the game makes it so you can’t progress (I mean after tweaking and adjusting), that is when you stop playing it. There really is nothing else at the end…
I have seen other barbs…druids it is hard to tell because of the EB rune, I think I spot one…but then it is a SB with the rune.
Endangered species they are these days
If I offer free boss runs on trade chat, get responses in seconds. Offer free boss runs if you are a sorc or druid… crickets … no takers. I list and play public games, and usually its all spritborns. Sometimes I see a necro or a barb, but haven’t seen a druid or sorc in a long time.
A platform that most Diablo players do not even use, put some effort into it next time.
When I looked at the party list I saw the title of “The Pit 100+”, I don’t think old classes can do this quick with 3-4 players, very harsh, especially “Increase Health Elite”…and solo is still the best way when you’re not SB.
time to put you on ignore next to your gf Nyurei.
If you were on Eternal, you’d have had takers! Since there wasn’t much to the season this go around and I felt too cheaty on SpiritChad, I made my other class alts on Eternal (after finishing season pass) and there are very few SpiritChads there.
Never would have foresaw but as of this season, I think I will always make alts on Eternal. Seems like a tiny break from whatever nonsense is going on in seasonal. Really hoping the mid season patch notes incite me to go back to seasonal characters. I’m done with my SpiritCheat seasonal character. I just don’t get enjoyment from bug-powering all content.
-Will become a total hypocrite and make alts on seasonal again if there are actual substantive elements to a season in the future. Like, when we had vampiric powers and such.
So you open a thread here when your messiah complex couldn’t get satisfied?
have you ever wonder maybe sorc or druid didnt need ur help?
PoE cheerleader is putting us on ignore how will we ever survive.
My LS sorc can do pit 90 np. I don’t need your pity party lol. Just saying, maybe others felt the same.
Used the Party Finder and created a party for Boss runs yesterday on Eternal. Said I was providing the mats and wanted it to be relaxed. 2 Sorcerers joined and a SB. We did 100 Duriel and 30 Andariel. The SB kept one-shooting the Bosses. At least the runs were fast. That’s what you want when doing Bosses.
You are maybe more likely to see other classes than SB on Eternal but chances to get at least one in your party are high.
I don’t use any more the Party Finder for Pit runs. I don’t want to just be clearing the trash SBs leave behind when rushing to the Portal or the Boss.
Some people don’t want to be carried all the time, I got tired of my friend carrying me on her SB.
My philosophy is I either earn it on my own or I don’t deserve it.
Nothing steals the joy out of your progression like being carried or being handed something free.
But this is just me.
I don’t mind it but we can’t really play together because it’s nothing but a carry, I’d rather play in T3 working on my survival for T4 than to be carried 24/7
My DoK Rogue been stuck at Pit level 90 since approximately week 2. I haven’t even tried to push further in the ensuing weeks since it’s very clearly a losing battle. Still I’d much rather flounder, knowing that this means that I will never max my glyphs or probably my paragons than submit to what is in essence, cheating.
I assume people who are playing druids or sorc are those who don´t want ez content so also don´t want to be carried.
Ale meta chasers play SB.