[ODD] Old Dads of Diablo

Old Dads of Diablo[ODD] and Old Dads HC [ODHC] are Diablo 4 clans for mature gamers and gamers with kids who are striving for that elusive balance between gaming, life, and family. Hey, we get it. Life has its priorities, and ours is to craft a relaxing and collaborative social experience around it.

Our members range from sweaty Nightmare Dungeon (NMD) pushers at all experience levels that are willing to help beginning players to the casual weekend gamer that can just grind out a few hours a week. Our current player base is split about 50/50 between EU and NA, so there’s usually somebody playing at most hours of the day.

We regularly use the ODG (Old Dad’s Gaming) Discord to share build crafting wisdom, request power levels to replace fallen toons, plan group farms, or just find a few folks to do some chill dungeon run’s with.

Come join the Discord (link in clan description) and check us out and join the fast growing D4 clan.

Old Dads HC [ODHC] for hardcore players
Old Dads of Diablo [ODD] for all players

Would like an invite. turnkey1970#1117