Nvidia driver 555.85 update

After driver update my game is not turning on. I can only reach champion select and then when i pick my barbarian game freezes. I tried to go back to 552.44, also deleted my D4 /data folder for game update, trying to turn off my connection and anything works. Im tired already, not able to play the game and hoping for solution.

Lots of complaints here (as well as a lot of previous versions with stability and crashing)

I’d suggest rolling back as far as you can until you find a stable release.

I personally run 537.58 October 2023 release for my 3080 as I experienced issues with a January release playing PoE. This being said I have no crashes or major issues with PoE or D4 S4.

Other links:

More recent old versions to try:

My driver:

I’m running on a release from Jan 30th, but that was because I had upgraded to the 4080 Super FE. Been running that release since.

You can refer to this thread for links to the custom nvidia driver download and the DDU uninstaller:

-Game crashing after Nvidia Update - #2 by DTMAce-1687

I’ve tried multiple other relases and game still freezes when i pick my character. It’s crazy that single game driver update can make You unable to play. Im done for now, looks like i wont be able to play a game for a while. Time for a break.

Hell, I’m running on the 531.41 studio driver. It’s far more stable than any game ready driver I’ve ever used and it offers better access to 10-bit color if you have the bandwidth for it. No matter what driver I did try though, D4 still gets the out of memory/virtual memory error, which I can’t mitigate until I can move this ginormous case out and clone/swap the OS drive to a larger drive. But I shouldn’t be needing to do that. Not if the developers know what they’re doing, which it’s becoming more and more clear they don’t.

If your second SSD has the space, set your swap file to that drive for now.

If nothing else, maybe it would stop the crashes. I would set yours to 24GB.

My second SSD is my games SSD. Not going to put my swap on the same drive my games are being read from. That’s a recipe for slowdown salad worse than ActRaiser 2 on the SNES. That and I have 74 GB left of the 2 TB on that SSD. I’m already pushing it close to the limits before it starts using its reserved space for wear leveling.

That’s kinda funny, considering D4 runs from the same drive my swap file is on.

I’d be curious, if someone experienced the described behavior even without the mentioned driver update, as recent loading and stuttering issues were what made me update to said driver version in he first place. Multiple other threads popping up during the past few days seem to indicate, that the issue might be caused by the inevitable May 28th game update to version 1.4.1 rather than the optional May 12st NVIDIA driver update to version 555.85 :thinking:

I spent multiple hours today to clean my system of old and sometimes even multiple driver version and downgraded the graphics drivers to version 546.65 from mid-January, to no avail. In fact, nothing seems to have changed after doing all this.
The first time starting the game after a system restart, I end up crashing during character select. The second time, I end up in an infinite loading screen after character select. The third time works like a charm. And that behavior actually seems reproduceable, over and over… :person_shrugging:

I also experience some of the things mentioned in the other threads, where opening a Tree of Whispers cache seems to force the game to “think” longer than usual, so that it stutters and drops only appear one by one, for example. Monsters also tend to be invisible for some seconds when crossing zone borders, although my minions have no issues attacking them. If I’d be the only one experiencing that, I’d definitely question my generally not very stable and powerful internet connection, but having been able to play the game generally fine until about mid last week rather makes me question the game

To be honest, the behavior you are describing is more in line with a game having an internet connection problem than anything else.

Although, any driver issues, or problems graphically, can introduce lag-like symptoms too.

For example, there are a few times before I had turned down the RT settings after the frame gen was disabled where I could actually see my in game response latency increase when my FPS dipped below 100FPS (the cap I normally have it at).

So if it dropped to say 75FPS, the response would go from 9ms up to 12-15ms as the card was struggling to hit that 100FPS setting.

Keep in mind, I run a 1440p 165hz monitor at 100FPS, with DLSS set to DLAA, full Ultra. Running on a 12900K, 32GB of DDR5, and a 4080 Super FE. I even have crossplay enabled, and no FPS limit set on cutscenes either.

Today with the RT off I played for over 2 hours, smooth and stable at 100FPS. But with the frame gen I was able to play with full RT maxed out at the same result. For me, Frame Gen was not causing any problems but having it disabled kills the card performance with RT a lot.


My point is, there may indeed be some correlation between game patch level and driver version, not to mention system configs. And that doesn’t even touch those systems that have the 13th/14th gen intel CPUs that are causing some rigs and their games to wig out unless you dial back the CPU limits to Intel baseline defaults.

There’s been two days since driver and game patch update and i am still not able to pass infinite loading screen after character pick. Looks like i wont be able to participate to upcoming goblin event because ive tried 15 different driver versions and that does nothing. I am wondering if it’s worth to try to delete driver then delete whole game and reinstall both again? I guess ill try since there’s nothing more to do. Also could anyone tell me if i can report this issue to some support in this site? Or making topic in forum is enough for them to notice that multiple people have actual problem and are not able to play the game?

Wierdly I was able to get past character selection the day after the latest diablo patch and play for a few hours, but then no longer able to the day after that or since, is it really even a video driver issue at this point or just some sort of badly calibrated server load balancing?

I think if this was the case, it would cause a LOT more widespread issues.

I personally haven’t been having any of these problems. The only problems I have are caused by things I know, and none of them have been Blizzard’s fault so far.

Well, outside of them disabling Frame Gen, when it didn’t affect me and lowered the performance of the game for me and I had to adjust settings to compensate. lol

But I’m not complaining! Hopefully one of these days it will get better and play better for those of you still having issues on and off.

Based on the number of similar threads opened during the past few days, seemingly since the 1.4.1 update, I’d call this a widespread issue, even if it doesn’t affect everyone

I can’t and therefore won’t rule out my internet connection, it was bad in the past and will still be that way for a while, as I live in a quite rural area. I also can’t rule out my system itself, as some components are rather old, and I mean old, like 4th generation Intel i5, but that also translates to far fewer changes regarding driver/firmware updates for its components. It also means that I know most of the quirks I usually personally encounter when playing the game, so that a 1 to 2 second stuttering feels normal in some cases whereas a 4 to 5 second stuttering indicates issues
Despite that, I tend to update software once its available or at least in a timely manner. Windows updates were installed on the 15th/16th last month, my NVIDIA display drivers were updated around that time as well to version 552.44. Still, the issues first started to show mid last week and the only noticeable change around that time was the game update to version 1.4.1, even before I tried updating to display driver version 555.85 for a possible solution

That driver version might have its issues, according to threads in the NVIDIA forums, but as the driver update was released a full week prior to the last game update, I really wonder if the people having issues since mid last week all waited a week with updating their display drivers or if the actual reason is far more simple: The last game update, or an accompanying change in the backend at the same time, broke the game itself to some degree

I’ve said this in another thread already but i’m on a 4000 series with an older driver version (546.65) and except for the framegen crashes haven’t had any issues whatsoever so far.

Keep in mind, that doesn’t mean the patch is written for the newer driver. Development cycles often lag behind where you think they should.

The patch may not like the newer driver for example.

Knowing that many have already solved the problem by going to an older driver for some of their issues and yet others running the latest drivers and finding another solution only proves to me that there are way too many variables in play, between patch chances, driver versions and individual desktop/laptop setups.

And that doesn’t include any individual system quirks, problems, or even rule out possible hardware issues, such as insufficient power, over heating, failing components (SSD, Memory, CPU, GPU, Motherboard, PSU, etc).

For me it seems that Diablo IV is just one of the most sensitive to disruption games I have encountered in a long time. In that its being very fussy with some of you (well many of you, but not everyone).

Do You know if we can expect new patch before game event? They surely must reconize that there is a lot of people beeing not able to play the game and should do something with this… There is upcoming goblin event and its mind boggling that no1 is taking care of this issue and there is a lot of people waiting and not beeing able to play the game since a week.

No idea.

I’m not even sure I will get to participate much in the Goblin event myself, as I am leaving to go out of the country next week.

They don’t often admit to issues like that, unless its very prevalent.

As of right now, even though there are several posts/threads about it, the issue apparently isn’t large enough overall to warrant a direct and immediate fix I think. But its not to say they aren’t working on issues.

Yes, I also concurred that the new Nvidia driver is causing long screen loading ( in the phase in and out ) . I revert back to driver version 536.99 Studio driver and it’s a little bit better … But going in and out of pit is noticeably very2 slow, like almost 20 sec to go in pit and transfer out to town from pit …