Not trying to stir or cause further division between D2 and D3 player base but

Legit can someone confidently answer this question ?

Has blizzard, ever promised to it’s player base, prior to D4 launched, that D4 is going to have similar combat , system, game play experience, leveling, grinding , difficulty etc etc like that of D2 ?

I don’t recall them saying that. The only thing I recall them saying is they are trying to go back to the “darker” and “gritter” type of “FEEL” like that of D2. But they never mentioned that D4 was gonna be D2 resurrected…

So where is all this - “omg this game is turning more and more into D3” and This game “direction has changed” hypothesis came from ???

Why was people expecting D4 to be D2 Resurrected ? I thought D2 Resurrected already exist lol…

I am also not saying the devs ever hinted the game will turn into D3 either. The team at blizzard was just going with the flow and seeing feedback, seeing what people actually wanted, seeing what is fun and not fun, and just adapting to changes since launch.

These people hoping the game should been like D2 as dev promised something prior to D4 launch really puzzles me…


it’s only coming from the D2 fossils because frankly, D2 and D2R suck.***

If they didn’t suck, the fossils would have no qualms about simply playing those so-called awesome games to this day, instead of coming to the forum day after day to cry about D4 not copying D2.

even though technically that’s exactly what happened. 4/5 classes are D2 copy/pastes.

*** I bought D2R back in the day and I couldn’t even bring myself to finish ONE playthrough even though I hadn’t played OG D2 in over 15 years. I uninstalled/reinstalled D2R 3 times before I reached Nihlathak at which point I uninstalled for good. it was that painful to play.


I Think the reason why D 4 is where it is …is because too many people complained about it…

complained about it to the point where it’s (d 4) is where it is.

Nobody could handle the grind itself in d2 in todays day in age. Let alone the sheer difficulty D2 could get up to.

D2 will always hold a special place in my heart with fond memories of grouping up
((( 8 people!! ))) with strangers at level 1 and helping/fighting/leveling up together and we all form a bond from it.

I like D 4 the way it is , but as I said people wouldn’t be able to handle it…thats why (as far as I’m concerned) they changed.

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Exactly, and that is a fair point. Why ? Because I was also there when D2 LoD was at it’s glory age. I also owned the game , the CD, the box ! But if you ask me again right now, do I want the D2 style of everything ? The answer is a hard no.

I did at one point really enjoyed D2, but since D3 released, I find myself enjoy D3 even more. And now D4 released, I find myself enjoying D4 as well. Sure at times I wanted more, everyone wanted more… That is why D4 is changing as season goes by, it changes from community, streamers, global feedback.

Sure, you can argue the change somehow is in favor of the D3 play style rather than D2. Well that may not be a decision from only the devs, MAYBE ? just MAYBE that is indeed what majority of the player base that is playing D4 actually wants ?

I don’t got the metrics, I don’t got the telemetry, but blizzard do.

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I think the problem is that everyone expects D4 to take the best elements of the prior series and incorporate the best implementation.

However, it fell short for everyone.

So everyone complains.

Even if they got it half right, half of the people would have been happy.

They got it almost ALL wrong - perception.

Literally the game they put out was like D3 with seasons when it JUST opened up. That’s like several iterations of D3 missing. And it’s definitely not D2.

So…twas neither D3 or D2 on release.

Although it is now very much like D3.

It’s still the worst of both worlds. with far too few active skills to choose from.

Sorc gets ONE new skill in VoH…Familiar. another boring passive slot. just lol


I would be better off for D4 to be like neither D3 or D2, just be it own thing D4. I think that will solve it all.

But we all know that is never going to happen. lol Instead of worrying about what personality should D4 have or be, let’s just make D4 a game that most people want to play and enjoy playing. They want a mass market, for profit sure, who doesn’t want to make money…

One thing D3 did right - D3 launched and it nothing like D2 and D2 LoD. D3 effectively made it’s name and own style and game play experience for the aRPG fans. RoS further enhanced that and was a great success of all time.

To be fair, if they named this lillith instead and called it an offshoot, it would have been fine.


The issue is that 4th in a series of games, comes with a lot of expectations with it.

And usually generationally speaking anyhow, you inherit stuff from the prior version and again the assumption is that the best parts are always kept. The problem is that “best parts” is different for each person lol.

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I HONESTLY think that if D 4 was it’s own thing, people would COMPLAIN about it…how it’s not like D 2 (or the best of what D 3) is.

Can’t make everyone happy.

What one person can complain about something on D 4, another can be completely fine with it.

In the end, it would seem nobody wins and everyone gets frustrated .

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The closest thing I would say is that the promised the atmosphere would be more like D2 and with that they did do well. Outside of that the impression I had always had was that they were going to try to meld the two games into D4.

Way back during the first reveal the panel had talked about slowing combat down compared to D3, although still not at D2’s level but the key was to try and hit somewhere between the two.

Only other D2 element I feel like they’ve reached to here and there are runewords but the truth is I’m not sure we want to bring those into the game - they worked in D2 extremely well (outside of power issues with Enigma and a couple others) but I’m not sure how well it’d really integrate into the current loot system.

The blending was a bad idea but when you had SUCH a long time between 2 and 3, Blizzard created two fan bases within the IP. I prefer D2 to D3 and play it to this day on SP so I can take advantage of ./playersX. I probably do prefer it to D4; however, that isn’t to say I hate D4… I enjoy what D4 is and play it more than D2 because there is still more builds, etc. for me to play and discover in D4.

Right now I am mainly chilling and waiting for s5 since NCAA 25 came out and LE started its season.


haha, all fair points, I can’t argue there. I agree with that.

reply to Lykotic above -
Yes, Blizz effectively created 2 fan base in the aRPG genre with D2 and D3 . The root cause of that, is because D2 and D3 are nothing alike. Which is why that happened. And that is not necessarily a bad thing.

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