Not so Dark like D2

So it only took a single expansion for Blizzard to go back on telling us that Diablo is returning to the level of darkness that D2 was at. How does adding cute little pets and tiger mounts step us closer to the darkness of D2? This is more like a step in the direction of WoW. If I wanted to play WoW, I’d play wow…


When last night I saw the pets around with this cutie look like Drogu/little Yoda, I was very scared by the continuity of the dark atmosphere of this franchise. Diablo 3 was already horrible from this point of view. Let’s hope so because Kurast/Diablo 2 Act 3 was one of the darkest and darkest settings of the entire saga.

The pets / Wings are going to be just another revenue avenue. People will buy pets, and people will buy wings. Makes sense for them to do so in the business model.

The wings can work in the world of diablo, but that being the Angelic or Demonic wings. Others could be introduced, but some simply do not fit.

Pets hard to say, does it bother me? Nah, helps with pickup gold and mats… Not like i was bothered by the task my self, but oh well.

Mercenaries is where im looking how to utilize them. But I wonder… Will they come with mercenary skins? So you can change their look via the MTX shop? Wouldn’t be surprised if it does.

im surprised people still think Blizzard actually cares.

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I love the pet idea like in 3. Run around and pick up the gold I missed that my companions may have killed or that I didn’t see when rushing to a monster on the other side. Now whether they’re cute puppies or twisted mini mephistos (like in 3) I don’t care as long as they grab my loot

Sell me the one with the biggest …