Not interested in PoE 2 at all just like I never got into PoE 1 too complex and weird

Not sure what is all these doom and gloom about I think D4 will be fine and PoE 2 will have as much effect on D4 as PoE 1 did for D3, literally nothing …

Just looking at the passive tree in PoE 2 I already have a headache. I want to enjoy a game not studying it to see what is best to take. Plus with so many options you don’t even know exactly what is best to take, you literally need a spreadsheet and a calculator.

Combat looks slow and 1 shot death every where, yea no thank you.

I know I am not alone in this, people who enjoy modern iteration of Diablo, since D3 will continue to enjoy what D4 team has to offer. After days of work or on weekend I just want to turn my brain off, see what is the meta, go with it…

Grind some gears, blast some demons, get some juicy loot, grind some more paragons and get more powerful. D4 offers exactly what I am looking for.

Progression, system, power fantasy, loot and graphic is pretty much all I care about and D4 delivers it all. Not perfectly, but it scratches my crave enough and not to mention D4 is improving with every season.

Dying over and over and having to dodge every single mechanic in a boss fight is not my type of fun.

Since PoE 2 is releasing soon, I hope this forum can finally turn into less trolling, and more D4 enjoyers giving actual D4 feedback to make D4 a better game. Because, fact is, D4 ain’t going anywhere. The population enjoying this side of the pie is a whole lot bigger than the other niche one.


Too soon to say, but it looks interesting.


It looks interesting because it is new… as people say, grass is always greener on the other side.

People who enjoy that type of game will like it without doubt, if you are on the fence, by all means try it but you know what you like. Trying it for few days is 1 thing, sticking to it is another…

See how many runs straight back to D4 in a month or so…heck even weeks,.


I dunno man…the amount of times they said “deterministic” or “determinism” in their stream certainly caught my attention.

The D4 slot machines can get tiring so a nice change to something more predictable is welcome for me.


I think it just capture a different audience. PoE 1 is already doing that. PoE 2 is not gonna be much different.

There is a population of gamers that just want to blast and get loot and get stronger…

And there is the other that want slow pace combat and strategic planning for every encounter

You don’t need me to tell you which population either of these 2 games cater to by now. There is literally 0 competition because neither is trying to steal anyone else’s player base.


Poe starts slow but the potential surpasses what you see in d4 at high end, play the game before judging it is my opinion to ya


the starting slow part is already a turn off for me. Why do you think I much prefer D4 approach on speeding people to end game… the faster the better.


Yep. The game that really needs to be worried is Last Epoch. Most players I met there were POE fans just waiting for POE2 to be released. With all that I saw in today’s POE2 stream, they will have no reason to go back to LE.


This one I can side with. I bought LE myself and I lasted only a few days before I wanted to refund the game on steam but can’t cuz played more than 2 hours lol.

Anyway, besides the point, LE is stuck in middle without a true identity in my opinion. It doesn’t cater to ultra hardcores like PoE and it doesn’t cater to casuals like D4…

I think anyways…

Strange, considering D3’s failure is why PoE 1 got off the ground at all. The single most influential event in that game’s early days was the attention Kripp gave it due to his massive audience… that he garnered from his D3 accomplishment. Those eyeballs (mine included) would likely never have seen the name “Path of Exile” if not for him. The reason he played it in the first place? He realized D3 was a terrible game and quit, even though his plan going into the game was to play it all day, every day, for a decade.

D4’s paragon boards are arguably worse. What’s your point, here? The tree in PoE 1 has a rather consistent logic that it follows, and PoE 2’s looks no different. They even made the node clusters into easy-to-parse shapes that resemble what the clusters actually do. What happens when you hit level cap in D4? Do you uninstall? Do you follow a build guide? There will be those in PoE 2.

Gameplay trailers are typically far slower than what you can achieve in endgame. This is done for visual clarity and isn’t unique to PoE 2. Try again.

PoE 1 obliterates D4 in all of these categories save for graphics, and it’s not even close. In the case of graphics, PoE 2 looks right up there.

It is, though you can argue this season is a step back because it managed to make Last Epoch look bug-free and polished. I’ve done basically everything there is to do in both games, and D4 was notably worse in its 2.0 than LE was in 1.1. Also, D4’s seasonal mechanics are, half the time, less content than what PoE gave us in 2014.

There is player overlap between the two, and that overlap will likely be larger with PoE 2 because they’re making a concerted effort toward improving the new player experience. PoE 1’s new player experience is pretty terrible. It’s worth the investment to get into, but it’s reasonable to be unwilling to commit to that. PoE takes a long time to get good, whereas D4 is very fun at first, but gets dramatically worse once you play it enough to realize it’s vast as an ocean, but deep as a puddle.

Contemporary ARPGs are usually pretty good at not scheduelling big launches against one another, because they realize big fans of the genre play multiple games, and forcing them to commit to one or another is stupid.

If you have a dedicated play group, D4 is mostly solid aside from the insane amount of crippling bugs it has (except this season, where everybody or nobody needs to play SB, because any other combination ruins the fun for the non-SB players). D4’s also a fair pick if you’re so casual that you cannot play a season long enough to realize there’s zero depth to the game.

If neither of these is you, then PoE 1 or 2 and LE are by far superior.

I know this because I’ve played all the games I’ve mentioned extensively, and have been playing ARPGs since early 1997.


You make some strong argument, but my come back would be simple. I really just prefer simplicity over complexity.

Less is more…

I think D4 and blizzard game in general just delivers a much better UI/UX experience in terms of systems and interactions. It is so easy to understand and grasp everything single mechanic in the game without too much confusion.

I appreciate that from the blizzard team.


Mana flask > generator skills.
I’m glad they are only allowing a life flask and mana flask for poe2.


We will see if the PoE cheerleaders will continue to troll on the D4 forum or if they will finally leave like they said.


yup, here is a thought…

the haters will find out that PoE 2 is really not the exact type of game they hoping it to be and continue to return to D4 and tries to hate on D4 and turn D4 into the game in their imaginable world


I disagree. The passive tree might be huge, I will give you that. However, unlike D4 that has basically 1 swing meta build per class per season and everything else is trash, PoE2 you don’t need to play the best meta build to play the whole game. You won’t be stuck in T2 just by picking non meta passives. So just learn it at your own pace. Experiment with it since it can be changed for gold now.

Combat is slower. It actually makes it combat instead of hold 1 button down D4 and clear 2 screens worth of enemies. It is not 1 shot death everywhere either. Just like major attacks which, unlike diablo are readable and distinguishable. Also unlimited dodges.

Where I do agree is D4 will be ok. It will maintain their casual base even if they go check that out. However, I think D4 brought a lot of new people to the market and that will help propel PoE 2’s numbers and their earnings. There are a lot of new aRPG players thanks to Diablo 4.

Some of them will be looking for a more serious game like PoE 2 that D4 just doesnt have. PoE2 hasnt even launched yet and its endgame system is already fleshed out. D4 doesnt even have an endgame system. Run pits 3000 times, thats endgame.

There will be a lot that try PoE2. Some will stay. Some will come back. Some will play both. D4 will probably take a small hit but it will still be here. Thats my opinion.


I actually just want to hold 1 button and delete the screen LOL. Well, not that ain’t true. depends on build but primarily I just want to have 1 kill all button that I use all the time is what Im saying and running meta in D4 usually gives me that option.

I also much prefer fast paced combat over slow… even though people say end game PoE 2 picks up in speedl, but i don’t like dodging all boss mechanic as mandatory one shot death not fun.,…

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Also to go along with my other post. What you saw was mostly early game stuff. As you get more powerful the combat will get faster. You arent exactly clearing screens of enemies in D4 at level 12 either.

That is true… I am not trying to argue D4 is better than PoE by any means, never have I stated as such so not trying to turn this into such argument.

But the fundamental is very different I still believe between these two games. It will satisfy both cravings.

There are so many people posting how D4 will be impacted due to PoE 2 is what im saying it won’t matter lol

I do however believe that the casual population enjoy D4 is still going to outweight the population which enjoyes PoE 2

I mean thats fine. There is nothing wrong with that. If thats what you are looking for then you are already in the right game.

yea, I believe I am. I hope d4 stays this way I mean so far since launch they seems to have been moving this direction, with some ups and downs but been pretty steady lol.

If D4 turns too hardcore, which I heavily doubt, i’d be around for a long time. I did stick around in D3 for many years…

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