Not Able to log into Characters Screen

I had a similar solution. I waited until it reconnected me, and once it started “Reconnecting” everything loaded up without issue.

I don’t know if my problem is the same, what happens to me is that 1 out of 5 times when I attempt to log in, I’ll get to the character select screen but only the UI loads and no characters are visible. Sometimes it’ll load after a min or two, sometimes it won’t load at all and I’ll have to alt f4 out of the game.


same problem here, it just jacks up my memory usage to like 6 gigs

Yes, the memory usage is huge

so i waited out the CPU and memory burning for about 3-4 minutes, characters loaded up and i was able to load into the game. keyboard worked fine but could not move my character with my mouse and could not teleport from the map

i did the same thing and was able to play it again like normal but the cpu/memory usage still seemed really high, albeit i did not check usage before this

This used to happen very rarely and somehow it’s now happening more and more often, it’s ridiculous.

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Same problem here! Stuck while waiting for the character to appear, but by the time it shows up, the game tries to reconnect, and crashes.

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Same. I thought it was just me. WTF Blizzard?

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It did let me load, but resources are so overtaxed suddenly - couldn’t do anything. Restarting game…

There was an error (Code 300006)

My game just crashes when I get past the gate loading screen before character selection. I’ve tried everything: updating/reinstalling, changing local prefs, updating/uninstalling drivers, memory scans, repairing the game, restarting, closing everything, running it windowed, and probably more. I’m at the point of giving up until they update something.

I am also having the exact same issue. Please fix this ASAP.

When you logged off did you log off with a Necro character? That’s the character that started this all for me. I was able to finally get in after many attempts and waiting out the character screen. I decided that I wouldn’t exit the game while on my Necro instead I switched to a different character and exited. Restarted to see if it worked and the Character screen and game loaded up normally.

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