Last season, No Witnesses node would trigger with the Yom rune when casting the Druid Petrify ultimate. This season it does not appear to be working. Was this intentionally changed, or is it a bug?
Hmm why play with Yom?
The rune didn’t give CC Damage bonuses now.
Yup, they changed it. Doesn’t give the dmg bonus from no witnesses like it did before. But it does help with resetting cooldowns of other skills.
Petrify is all of a sudden broken for me. What’s going on? I have Heir of Perdition, Shroud, ring of starless skies and my Petrify ultimate even says it resets ALL non Ultimate cooldowns, but it isn’t anymore. Nor is the Petrify cooldown going down when i Kill petrified enemies.
The literal description of the Ultimate is not working right now for me. This just started in the last hour of playing season 7.
Edit: Oh, I’m on druid. I didn’t realize this was a Rogue thread until now. Still, Petrify is even broken for druids!! WTF!