No spark on Lilith?

Killed her and no drops at all, bugged?

it appears sparks are only from salvaging mythics now and the final chapter of the season journey

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Just saw this

But there was a patch today apparently. and nothing


nice, well now i know i will have the sparks to craft tyraels once that hits

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They specified patch 2.0.3 specifically.

today was 2.0.2c

itll probably be tuesday

Really wish they would have an ongoing list of issues for this game in a sticky at the top. Like they did with the PTR. At least then we would know they are aware of the problems.

I just killed Lilith today after the patch to fix this problem and still didn’t get a spark. Good game

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It’s NOT fixed, I waited till yesterday and did not get it, post patch.


I just killed lilith for the first time 5 minutes ago in S6 on T1 and no spark. I think its still broken

I havent killed her yet and I was given a spark after the patch. Maybe they just gave everyone the lilith spark like they did last time? Its either that or I got the missing spark from torment bosses. Hard to say because they haven’t communicated.

Didn’t get spark after patch. Just beat lilith and also didn’t get spark.

I just finished the last chapter on an alt ( 2nd VOH character) and didn’t get a spark from the completion chest. Got one the first time around, could this be bugged now as well?

Killed Lilith tonight… No spark…

the season journey is only completed once per account

Thank you and 20 characters

Still bugged. T1 kill, TP to Kyovashad, exit client, relog (twice), still no spark.

Ive killed her multiple times on multiple characters… I’ve received two legendaries, thats all. A few of the kills absolutely nothing dropped, not one single item or material, nothing. I use her as a challenge and a barometer to see how good the build is.

No… I killed her 3 day ago and got spark.

Yes… Wife killed her with me and i got my spark and she didnt.

Probably Tuesday. Definitely maybe Tuesday. Should be. We think. Hopefully. No promises. Insert other non-committal jargon.

Killed her TIV I still haven’t gotten a spark from her. Do I need to kill her again?