No resplendent spark drop after defeating Lilith's echo in eternal realm (Torment 1)

Yesterday, I was able to win the fight against “The echo of Lilith” in eternal realm at difficulty level “Torment 1”.
This was the first character on my account where I won this fight.

I expected 1 or 2 sparks to be dropped, but there were only 2 legendary items dropped (which were less powerful than my current equipment).

Am I wrong with my expectation about the drop of resplendent sparks?
What can I do to get the sparks for the kill of Liliths echo ?

Update: Replaced wrong naming the sparks


There is no item in the game referred as “magnificent spark” there are resplendent sparks.

There are also multiple threads about this same topic, this is a common bug in the season where it may take multiple attempts before getting a spark but it seems some people just aren’t getting them from her this season. I honestly don’t think it’s that big of a deal since you can get mythics from all bosses as well as from multiple other sources.

I would recommend farming bosses for mythics that you can scrap into sparks

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Sorry for wrong naming i translated it from German, but yeah … does this mean … I will never get the sparks as a reward for winning the fight against the echo because it is a bug and I had bad luck to be one of the affected people ?

I also asked because the I was not 100% sure if the sparks are dropping in eternal realm.

This would be very disappointing because the chance to get this sparks is low in my opinion and the fight against the echo felt very unfair to me (required many frustrating attempts).

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Just ask in trade chat for a pit 65 boost then go with people and kill any t4 boss. Your spark will come.

Thx for the hint, it would be nice if some guys would help with boost to be farm sparks.
Highest level I played the pit was 35 (always alone).

But still i hope that Blizz will fix the not dropped sparks and give affected people such (should not be a big deal for them to increase it in inventory).

Anyway thx for the hint (I was used to play alone for now).

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it was a seasonal bug they really aren’t concerned with. Some got it and some didn’t but they aren’t gonna fix it as it’s not a major concern for them