No option to gift expansion?

I gifted the base game to my friend in Croatia (i’m in the US) before launch but now I can’t gift him the expansion. Will this be changing? because I can’t gift him balance either lmao

according to someone else here (i think it was HILIO) you can normally gift the expansion, however, you need him to be your friend on battlenet.

He is my friend on battlenet, for years now actually. Which is why I thought it was weird I couldn’t gift this one.

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Hmmm… eventually @HILIO sees this and can help you out on how he did it.

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Just noticed this too, the base game has the gift option lit up, but if I select the xpac the gift button disappears.

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I had to use the battleapp to gift it to a friend. He was able to claim it from there but is having issues getting it to unlock in game.

I gifted my son the base game too, Ultimate edition.

I now tired gifting him the Ultimate expansion but no luck there. Guess I will have to send Paltinum over to him so he can get the expansion.

As for me, I haven’t bought the expansion yet. Still havnt decided which bundle to get for myself.

I really hope Blizzard let’s us gift these things in the future.

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