No matter what I do I can't play this game, please help

I just bought the expansion and prior to that I never had this much issue but its getting to the point where I cant do anything and every fix I’ve tried hasn’t helped.
My computer specs are:
I7 8700
GTX 4060
No matter what I do if load in the game my memory goes from 30% to 90%+, my game stutters and loads extremely slowly when loading new places. I have graphics down to the bare minimum and set everything per multiple videos Ive watched. I have updated all my drivers. I have done the file swapping fix also but none of that seems to fix my issue. I have no issue playing any other game I own except for this one.

Is there anything else I can do or am i just completely screwed out of playing this game?

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One thing I didn’t see you mention:

Are you running the OS and the game from an SSD?

Yes, they are both being run off an SSD

Try disabling direct storage.

  • Go to the battlenet launcher

  • Click the gear cog next to the play button for Diablo IV

  • Look for the section about command line arguments

  • When you enable it, you should have a box to type in. Put in:


Then try again.

That did not help. As soon as i load in im at 95% memory usage and it doesnt do down from there.

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Apparently you are bottlenecking with RAM for some reason.

That system should be able to run the game okay. Not great, but okay.

I mean the stats aren’t that different than what my father’s laptop has.

Are you using high res packs maybe? I wouldn’t with that hardware.

I just checked and the high res pack was installed, I just removed it. Maybe that will help fix it.

Update: Yea im still getting the same issue even after uninstalling the high res package. I honestly dont know what to do outside of upgrading the cpu and ram.

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