Genuine question - did not read any announcement/patch notes etc 
So we now have Nightmare Vaults. Is there actually any point in still running NMD’s?
I mean vaults also grant glyph XP (same as NMD’s it seems?), more loot, and look even a bit faster to do? You can totally ignore the pearls/traps and just get through, get 2 chests and glyph xp. So NMV > NMD’s totally or did i miss a good point somewhere ?
No point running NMDs, just run NMV for more drops, 30-40 wardings to run thru traps even if you don’t really bother to dodge nets you all the chest rewards.
It’s also faster if you remember the routine where the keys are rather than silly time wasting objectives.
yea leveling glyphs really isnt an issue this season. super fast with the vaults.
Be mindful if you are looting everything, run out of space and open a portal and head to town to unload… when you come back all your Wards will be reset to Zero. I did this a few times and couldn’t open any of the extra chests at the end.
Now I just open everything, then sell-off / forge and come back after.
I am still leveling my stones, but even when they are all level 10, I don’t see any reason to run a slower NMD for glyph leveling than a vault.
So yeah, “unintended consequences” strikes again.
Is the exp better in groups for vault?
You don’t even need to ignore them as you seem to get back more pearls from the chests at the end than the 2-4 you used for stacks at the beginning. The whole thing is kind of whack.
I play SSF, so I can not answer that. But the density seems to be pretty high.
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you get a EP bonus when you are playing within a group and are in a certain radius close to your group members, just like everywhere else.
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Really ? I thought you received a fixed amount (2) ?
Not sure but between the dungeons and openworld stuff you get way more pearls than youll ever need so might as well spam them. The pearls were initially meant to summon the boss I think, but after they removed that requirement they didn’t reduce their numbers accordingly.
The pearl/warding mechanic is totally pointless now as are a number of other things in the game.
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Vaults closed! Back to the old dungeons!
Just the loom vault. The rest are fine.
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Level experience is buffed in groups. Glyph experience is a fixed amount depending on nightmare level.
AFAIK, you have to complete 1 NMD for the season pass, and that’s it.
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Been paying more attention past couple of hours and can confirm that you get like 4-5 pearls on average after each vault from the 5 chests at the end. So you can easily spam 3+ wards every start and unless you’re the most careless player in existence you will never run out of pearls or get less than 5 chests at the end… so yeah pointless mechanic.
No point doing nmd anymore. It was refreshing to do vaults to lvl up my glyph instead of nmd.
All the loot is at the end. Only stuff like heals and gold drop before, maybe stone fragments.
Useless to you maybe, but Blizzard’s target audience is an experimental chimpanzee that they have taught to use a keyboard and mouse, oh and this chimpanzee also has 6 jobs and 25 kids, before you question his time commitment.

That’s wrong. Lots of loot drops along the way. You’re probably thinking of the yet to be released gauntlet where they said it will be all at the end.