Twice in a row now I’ve wasted sigils trying to complete a nightmare dungeon. This is my first time trying to do them so it is incredibly frustrating. When I try to log back in I get error code 316719, and I have to close the game and reopen it before I am able to log back into my character. Please fix this issue, as I am unable to participate in the core endgame activity the way things are currently.
I have the same issue. I’ve tried to complete a few dungeons but I keep crashing losing the sigil and can’t rejoin the dungeon after a crash. The game is so annoying to play with constant crashes losing progress and in this case losing sigils.
Got a similar problem. I don’t get the error code but the game crashes all the time doing nightmare dungeons. Everything else is no problem. They really need to implement some system so i don’t loose my sigils all the time because of crashes while the game is this unstable…
Ditto. This is starting to make the game close to unplayable.
Without exaggeration it’s over 50% of the NM dungeons I go into I just crash out of. This would just be annoying except the dungeon doesn’t stay open and the consumable is gone.
Same issue. Cant the nightmare sigil be a time window as well as number of revives. I get that you’re supposed to clear it in one go, but the number of times this game crashes while I’m looking at the map, or trying to portal to somewhere makes me want to play it so much less…
Same here, its crashed above 50% for me at different stages of NMD. When TPing to it, entering it, during it, at glyph, and post glyph. I’m tired of wasting Sigils… oh and dying from the mass amounts of explosions
Same here. Or at least I do think it is the same. I was not able to visit any nightmare dungeons yet, it all the times crashes during movement. I think it might be caused by a bad timeout setting which crashes every machines not running Diablo from an SSD.
is this going to be fixed? 3 times in a row crashed.
it most likely won’t ever be fixed. It’s 3 months from release, the game crashes in a thousand different ways and places in-game, and there’s no response whatsoever from Blizzard about it.
There doesn’t seem to be enough people 1) having this same issue or 2) actually reporting it when it does happen (since the vast majority of people play it on sc).