Nightmare Dungeon completion doesn't give glyph upgrades

its def the barrage build tested stuff and it works usualy if you kill the last boss or objective if you DONT finnish it with barrage. if you use barrage to lasthit the bug occurs

Can confirm. Barrage Rogue… no bubble with glyph upgrade at end of dungeon.

I am a non Barrage Rogue and this has happened a few times for me as well.

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Have been having the same issue:

COMFIRMED Barrage rogue problem. This is for the most part only happening to Barrage rogues. Does not happen to me ever as TB but when i play Barrage it happens almost half the time

same here happened 6/10 runs, Barrage rogue too. I ran and leveling with TB until clvl 90 and never encountered this problem before.

Yep, same for me. Barrage rogue on pc. Happend a couple of times the last 15 NM dungeons.

Happening to me A LOT too and I am Barrage, I am wondering if its a Rogue thing.

Just chiming in to say that I got this bug a few times with rapid fire and that it started happening much more frequently when I switched to barrage.

Same here with barrage rogue - happend a few times the last weeks, but today it’s almost 90% of the dungeons…

Never ran Barrage , but I have started using poison trap and death trap ; last 3 nightmare dungeons were no bubble at end , hell one of the nightmare dungeons spawn me after opening the gate with only using 1/2 chains to unlock it , I wonder if it’s a connection thing due to the instability of servers , one was a trio run and the other 2 were a duo run necros and rogue, big bummer due to finally ironing out my paragon and wanting to lvl glyphs

Still not fixed. The instant dungeon reset is patch but this no…
Are you telling me the only endgame activity is pvp and farming the same dungeon over and over again because nightmare dungeons are bugged?
3 in a raw tonight… been having this problem for over 10 days now.

Still no news from the dev on this?

I hoped it was gonna be fixed , here’s to hoping this next maintenance helps , I like nightmare dungeons :confused: , if it remains I may take a break until it’s fixed #bummer

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Barrage rouge and it just happened to me on the first NM with this build… could we get this fixed please???

I also frequently see this bug on my barrage/death trap/poison trap rogue. never saw it on any of my alts (have several over 50 in NM dungeons) or when my rogue has been spec’d differently.

I use a Barrage/Poison trap Rogue too. I guess it’s a thing then…

Still bugged… no news from blizzard?

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Lol I like how they did thos huge patch yesterday and this bug is STILL going on! There is another forum post in PC support with 22 days on it reporting the same problem. Its the reason I stopped playing til they fix it.
Someone in the other forum mentioned that they got a support response saying they didnt know how to fix the issue.

Adding on because this is ridiculous. Barrage rogue here as well running death trap, shadow imbue and poison trap. I’ve been running this build for about a week and never have issues when I run NM with my druid buddy but solo its about 80% of the time I’m not getting the glyph pedestal.

Edit: I’m on PC and having this issue. Didn’t notice this was a console thread.

I’m very sad to see this bug is very much alive and still plaguing my game experience after the patch. It’s extremely frustrating that just because I decided to switch from twisting blade to barrage now my progression is hindered.