Neyrelle's Lament (new animated video) đŸ˜±

I hope they don’t pull a Leah v2 with Neyrelle
 Come on, Blizzard. We’ve caught enough L’s already fighting Diablo and his team. It’s about time for a big win!

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Aye. We will fight and kill Neyrelle
 And then get to tell Lorath’s head all about it at the tree of whispers.

Tragedy is beyond predictable these days

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red flag activated

Plot twist. Lorath is Diablo. It’s all going according to his plan.

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Interesting, but I already knew of Neyrelle’s struggles from the VOH trailer. I was glad to see that they did a story recap video awhile back for people who haven’t played the campaign in awhile. I did a campaign run through again recently and there was a lot I had forgotten.

The voice actress playing Neyrelle in this video is amazing.

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I mean it’s not the same as Leah neyrelle is actively holding and being corrupted by the soul stone so it would make sense in the expansion that she’s no longer neyrelle when we catch up to her where as leah was just out of nowhere plot twist your npc is all of a sudden diablo

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For anyone who does not know what OP is referring to. :point_down:


Unlocking the secrets from the Head of World of Warcraft without logging in is like asking a dragon to give up its treasure. Can someone please pass the magic key?

That video reminded me how much I love Diablo. Neyrelle plays a crucial role in the story, giving us, the players, time to level up and grow stronger before eventually facing Mephisto, the Prime Evil. Let’s go—Finding Neyrelle

I do not know about anyone else but I am ready for a Diablo series on Netflix.


Where do we start? From Diablo 1? Who will be the main? EP 1: Wanderer, I know what you are.

Fallout show shows it can succeed while Halo show shows it can fail horribly. (I actually liked halo though most hated it)

Dude, that would be the biggest “WHAT A TWIST” and “WT*” Moment in Diablo history IMO

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Giant pet peeve: fake accents
 totally immersion-breaking. Cheesy writing too
 memberberries @ 4:10 are a bit basic & on the nose. Who wrote this
 an intern?

Lots of cheese (ham?) in the performance too, although it benefited a LOT from the occasional distortion. (They should add distortion to Mephisto’s voice parts & patch it into the game files.)

Pretty though. I’d read the comic if they make one.

Who’s the background voice that says “You will not
” (5:05)? What’s that from? I feel like they sampled it from somewhere.

I am still confused as to why Mephisto’s voice in game is a voice actor that does voice over for the “Rock” for foreign markets, and not similar to the voice he has in Diablo 2

The ‘hidden’ voice @ 5:05 in this animated trailer could be an Easter egg
 anyone recognize it? Might’ve been taken from D4, but I can’t place it.

‘The Rock’ voice-over guy is reportedly in German language version of game. Steve Blum did the voice in English language version - he’s the guy who voices Zoltun Kulle in D3. Two different voice actors. (ZK had plenty of distortion, idk why they didn’t rough up Mephisto’s voice too. Also, the guy has a low register
 but I hope what they didn’t do was simply stretch the recording. :thinking:)

Feeling antisocial and needing to vent, so you snipe at posters on a forum who’ve done nothing to you. How embarrassing.

I lament Neyrelles continued existence, may she die to Mephisto very soon!

you are correct i apologize im going to remove my forum access thank you(not sarcasm).