Sick… so… no rawhide/iron chunks? COOL
But, bruh… Have a heart for all those players dropping quest items for other players and then being minorly inconvenienced!
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That was just yesterday. Expect a lot of hotfixes coming this week—they’ve got plenty to fix.
Yeah, Iron Chunks/Rawhide is coming early this week:
Adam Fletcher
Team is checking into an issue with a quest items ‘Villager’s Remains’ that is affecting some player inventories/player states. Separately, we plan on adjusting some of crafting materials such as rawhide/iron with a hotfix at the start of the week.
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Ah, you’re right! Per D4 news,
Bug Fixes
** Various stability improvements.**
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Forget rawhide and iron chunks…fix the dang black screen crashes every 3-4 teleport