New Thorns Affix for Minions

So I thought we Thorns Necromancer players were totally forgotten in the upcoming game rework given all the changes made without any thought given how it negatively impacts us Thorns Minions players like how they are indirectly nerfing the Bone Golem.

However I’m pleasantly surprised they’re adding a new affix in the next patch that increases the Thorns for Skeletal Warriors. Of course this new addition is not in the patch notes, but it was discovered through data mining.

I’m hoping there are other stealth changes and fixes that will help the beleaguered Thorns build like FINALLY fixing the Needleflare Aspect and making Summoning Damage work on Thorns.

Spike Warrior’s Affix

  • Skeletal Warriors Inherit +[43.0 - 45.8]% of Your Thorns

Allowed Item Types:


Source: Spike Warrior's - Affix - Diablo 4 PTR


I’m so glad seeing this, dude!

Finally i’m see a chance to make my Warrior-thorns-based works fine.

Sadly all solid thorns constructions depends completely from bone golem sinse S1… Bone Golen, my guy, we know u are exhaust of do all work alone.

Lol. Y’all realize that it’s already in game and that is just a number increase? I currently use a thorns warrior build that has cleared T8 IH and kills most tormented bosses in under 10 seconds.

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Yeah, that is a tempering affix, but lookig at the link, it’s an item affix, that can show up on gloves and rings. As far as I know, you can’t temper skele warriors inherit thorns on rings. Also affixes usualy have a name, like this one, and tempers don’t.

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Ah. I see. So it’s saying it’s on the item itself and not a temper?

If so, that’s an awesome change.

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Nope, not a tempering affix. This is an item affix.

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I really just want the Needleflare Aspect to actually work with minion thorns and I’ll be happy. I’d love to see some more skill interaction as well, but that’s another topic.

Necro has a lot of room for improvement.

U using defenders or reapers? Im using reapers to lower bonestorm CD and sustain barrier. But my prime objective is get defenders (sadly looks inviable, but is my favorite ).

I used defenders and shako to clear T8. I use reapers without shako to farm T7.

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My guess is this is a new Aspect that you can imprint on a glove or ring from the Codex of Power. If this is the case, my plan will be to use this new Aspect on a legendary ring instead of the Ring of Mendeln I’m currently using in my build.

Same. The Defenders are my favorite Skeletal Warrior, but their six seconds Taunts are too far apart to be useful. My Bone Golem can taunt more frequently than the Taunting Defenders do.

Because my Bone Golem can satisfactorily fulfill my taunt needs, I’ve been using the CDR Reapers this season. I can solo T8 Hordes with them, and they provide my primary source of damage.

My Bone Golem has taken a more secondary role this season by providing me my Taunts and corpses. Last season it was the opposite. My Bone Golem was my primary damage dealer, and my Reapers were more in a support role.

I tried using both a Shako and Doombringer in my build, but I got weaker using them. Losing a valuable Aspect on an already Aspect starved build was a step backwards for me. I really like the synergy I’ve developed in my build that inserting a Shako would only disrupt.


I’ve been running a full golem thorns on this season (on general I go with a hybrid
thorns defenders warriors + bone golem ), betting all my damage on armor overcap (43k with non-ideal equips)…

I added shako to survive T8 hordes… But my build need’s best items to refinement

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If it were an aspect, it would have been among the datamined aspects section.

My biggest hope is that we get a skill, aspect, or unique at some point that allows us to do minion thorns damage actively. The new golem aspect would have been so much cooler if it used the golem’s thorns damage instead of a flat damage number.