New survey about p2w options?

There are rumors about new survey going out that asks players opinions about

  • addl item stash for $$$
  • early access to in game items \ aspects for $$$
  • gold and items auto pickup for $$$

This is despicable shouldn’t even be considered. Shame on you Blizzard!


No, just no thanks. What an aweful idea.

Lets hope it never happens.


There are numerous things in that survey (it’s not a rumor) which are basically P2W. ‘convenient’ stash/pickup pet, early access to game, early access to gear before it can drop, more stash tabs etc. One could argue that this isn’t true ‘power’ increase (everyone can achieve it eventually) but all of these things save you time which increases efficiency and is roughly equivalent to attaining more power faster.

Now I personally don’t care THAT much but this goes against the billion times that they said there will never be any p2w in the game.

It really does seem like they are deadset on monetizing this game to hell and back in every possible way.

Also wings again… barfs

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where is that rumor from?

wings indeed would be something that kills the game for me haha ^^

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How are these p2w? I think it’s more convenience but you aren’t really winning anything by paying these.

Item stash? I have seen other games do these. I have bought stash from other games too but I never felt that I have won anything. It didn’t make me any better. The whales I knew from other game weren’t better either

Early access? There are folks who bought D4 early on and even had early access. I don’t think they won anything or fared any better. Remember S2 got delayed but some folks/streamers were able to get in earlier by a couple of hours. Did they win anything? They did have early access against Duriel and his drops. The best thing they have won is they got to make more vids because they are able to create content earlier than other streamers who didn’t get early access.

People who run in clans/guilds get early access already against solo players in terms of world tier and items. I play solo but I never felt these folks had a major advantage. Eventually I am able to catch up. Their advantage though is they get to share their experience earlier than I do

Auto pickup? How is this pay to win? You get more gold doing Whispers even if you pickup all the gold from the open world. Auto pickup against rares can be detrimental too because it would quickly fill up your character inventory. Auto pickup with legendaries is already an in game feature. It goes to your stash


I want Wings but please no Diablo Immortal wings because that one is heavy p2w as it is tied up with Resonance.

you are the only 1 making this a thing.

shame on you Evgenius.

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This is baseless rumor at this point, only see the one sensationalist clickbait video. If any part of it is provably false the legal team from ActiBlizz/MS should get involved post haste.


god thatd be so awesome if a streamer would get a clap on his hands if this is untrue lol.

I can’t believe you’re saying this. The games that charge for stash are F2P. D4 had a box price and it was not cheap.


you arent suppose to talk about the survey if you get invited to take it, its in the NDA before you accept to take it… :slight_smile:

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oh really? didnt get one myself yet so honestly didnt know that. lol.

Would be fun to see indeed if some people would get a clap on their fingers then :stuck_out_tongue:

yup really, i cant say that i have partaken in a survey as that would break the rules of taking one or two :slight_smile:

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Can’t believe what? That having extra stash didn’t make me any better or other whales from the games that I played with other whales?

Whether you believe it or not doesn’t matter. I am stating what I and other fellow whales have experienced so far on those games we played together.

There’s no reason for me to lie if it did give me an advantage lol. I would state it if it did.

Who said D4 was cheap? Whether it’s cheap or not doesn’t prove the argument that making item stash buyable via $$$ is p2w.

The games that charge for stash are F2P.? So what? That still doesn’t make item stash a p2w (at least on those games I played where item stash are extra $$$)


Oh yeh! Sell me some extra stash space already! I could use 20 tabs more; I’ll give you $100. I know the poor devs needs to eat and live and maintain some server somewhere, no worries.

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better be a troll :wink: then again blizzard likes to shoot itself in the foot so i’m inclined to maybe believe it ahah

i dont care that much. id just play something else. it’s not like this is a masterpiece i can’t live without.

im not dropping any additional cash on this nontent game. already gave too much with the box price heh


market research…I don’t see a problem with asking.

Gotta know your customer base.

They should start with knowing their dev team, who has appeared on multiple occasions to not understand basic mathematics and don’t even play their own game.


Stash tabs for money, ok
Pets picking up stuff, ok (massive QoL option in D3)
Paying for aspects early, no (if they implement this, I would pay for it)

The last one is extremely iffy on several layers. There needs to be adjustments made to the codex:

It needs to be like D3s cube:

Every aspect can be stored in it
You find a max property and it goes in max or it goes in at the level and every time you extract another one of the same property it will increase in the codex
Every legendary aspect can be found in a dungeon at minimum level

At this point…can we just get something like a Diablo+ subscription like they have in GTA Online?..
The early access to items is exactly what they do there…
I would gladly pay a few bucks every month if it includes a bunch of stuff like this, the premium battle passes a monthly platinum income and reduced prices on the cash shop.
It sucks, but it’s probably better than the horrendous multilayered cash shop we have now (pay to play + battle pass + cash shop + things like that new mount you can buy separately + expansions + more to come) …