New season quest line not showing up

Just until you get to the Den. It’s not that long. You want to do it so you can hire your mercenaries. Not sure if it will automatically unlock the other 3 mercenaries besides Rahier, or if you still have to go find them and complete their quest lines.

I will sumarize it here because I had to read so many post to come to a conclusion:

  1. You finish the VOH questline in a previous season
    → Skip it when creating a char → access to witchcraft directly

  2. You didn’t finish the VOH questline in a previous season
    → You cannot skip it, start a new season char and skip the main campaign (this can be done regardless if you finish it or not) and make it through the Den
    → Witchcraft quest is automatically unlock



Incorrect. There is a prologue to Vessel of Hatred which starts in Kyovashad and ends in Kehjistan, specifically in the zone south of the town. After the prologue ends your character wakes up in one of the Nahantu zones. At which point, if the character you’ve made is a seasonal character, you can return to Gea Kul and start the seasonal quest chain. You do not have to complete the Vessel of Hatred campaign to access it. You just have to do the prologue for the expansion.

The reason for this (unlike in previous seasons, such as Season 6) is because the seasonal quest chain starts in Gea Kul, and if you haven’t completed the Vessel of Hatred prologue, Gea Kul is phased to the Vessel of Hatred prologue (with most of the city being locked off) and you can’t access the NPC to start the quest chain, she’s not there.

Ok I just bought the expansion, I used the free boost to get my eternal toon to 50 and open up the alters (never really played) I created a seasonal toon, was doing the quest chain and my friend told me to port to another area to change the game mode from normal to hard, now I have the vessel of hatred quest and the one I was doing disappeared. Is this the same thing as the post was about or is my game messed up? lol

Maybe? I don’t know for sure because I can’t see what quest stage you’re on.

The prologue should send you from Kyovashad to Lorash’s cabin, then to Gea Kul, and finally to a broken bridge in the zone south of Gea Kul.

I haven’t been able to start the seasonal quest line because my game crashes every time I load it even after reinstalling the entire thing and following all of the suggested tips here and on reddit.

I think it started at the beginning, had to go to Kyovashad and talk to people around a fire, then it is sending me somewhere else but got frustrated at that point and logged. So it probably is what you are saying, just weird because I had allready started the new quest chain, did the small dungeon to get the head thing and poof gone, the only quest in the log is the vessel of hatred lol

Yeah, that probably happened because you changed difficulties, as that puts you in a different world state (which is why all your portals disappear). Once you get the prologue done (it doesn’t take long at all), you’ll be able to return to Gea Kul and start the season quest chain.

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I completed the S7 main questiline, Still can’t see the seasonal 7 quest that starts in Gea Kul. And yes its a seasonal char. Any fixes?