New rapid fire bug? (1.4.3)

Is there a new rapid-fire bug in 1.4.3? I am leveling my rogue but sometimes at random when using rapid-fire (without scoundrels kiss) it triggers the skills but no arrows are shot although combo points and imbuements are used up. I did not see this bug happen before the patch so I guess something happened when fixing the scoundrel kiss bugg this one got introduced.
Is anyone seeing the same bug?


yeah, rapid fire is bricked now ):


My rogues Rapid fire hits at least 50% less damage as it did before the patch. WTF


Maybe. I tried to replicate the bug and I am shooting my arrows just fine, I have also not noticed a decrease in damage. I tested with and without the ring. Maybe there is some other interaction going on if there is a bug.

Yes, it seems as if my rapid fire is stopped or interrupted. Sometimes only one arrow flies.


The cause is aspect of repeating.


Having the same rapid dire issue. Playing on the XBX.

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Yup. Still broken. Completely breaks my character.


You can remove for now “Aspect of Repeating” that’s help.
You get a little better dps but not like yesterday before patch.
I check and after i remove “Aspect of Repeating” from my ring my dps is much more better but still it’s bad - unable to do Pits 40+ like yesterday without problem :frowning:

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Something that can help with lost dps until a Hotfix is released, is replacing Repeating with Aspect of Volatile Shadows and putting points in Mixed Shadow Imbuement. You have to play closer to enemies but your mobbing will be better. Volatile Shadows is kinda underrated imo, I kinda like it over Edgemaster at times if Edgemaster isnt on my 2H or Amulet.

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That’s not new. I call it reloading my full auto crossbow, because it’s the only way I can cope. I refuse to use a bow until they fix it, because the bow does it, too and my brain just can’t rationalize that.