New Loot Mechanism - Drop runes with prefixes instead of predefined gears

Instead of dropping loots/gears with predefined prefixes and stats, Diablo 4 should drop blank gears (with different levels) instead. You will then farm for runes with prefixes and insert them into the blank gears. Once done, you can then use mats to roll for the stats at the blacksmith or jeweler (i.e., better and more expensive mats will enable you to get higher stats). Alternatively, you can also use your experience points to level up the stats on the gears as well. More grinding = more power gears.

Each blank gear will have a predefined number of slots. For example, basic level gear will have two blank slots, Sacred level gears will have three blank slots and Holy Mother Fxx gears will have four blank slots. Unique gear will have four blank slots with one unique slot for unique runes. Unique uber will have four blank slots with three unique slots for unique runes etc… You see where I am going?

You will be able to replace any runes but at higher cost or mats for each subsequent replacements. Replacement of runes will require the rerolling of stats.

This will be a good way to let the gears grow with you when you progresses through the game. You will always be able to play the character as you always wanted.

The runes and mats will be tradable as well. :grin:


I like this idea…will the appropriate mats drop from killing monsters? Otherwise we’ll be replacing one lot of drop trash with another.

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Its not completely bad idea, and game need much more crafting. But I think part of every good aRPG is some RNG drop.

This would lead to to just farming runes/mats etc and it will suck every “Wooow look what I just droped” moments out of the game (TBH D4 don´t have anyway except ubers).

And this moment is dopamine hit and its what I love in aRPGs.

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Monsters at different tiers will drop mats of different types/tiers. Or we can make use of existing mats - which there is a ton of them in our stash (i.e., some sort of mats sink). Alternatively, there are mats to roll the start stats and another type of mats that we can add on incrementally to improve the stats (e.g., Ruby crystal to roll the start stats, say 80% damage. Then you can add on Ruby shards to slowly improve the stats to a max of 83%). When you change the prefixes, you will have to start all over again. So your decisions will have consequences. :grin:

This is available in another game already, the one I’m sure you’re playing. Now your idea offers a slight tweak to their system, but anyone who has played that game can easily connect the dots. While your idea works over there, it would require them to scrap the whole rework they’ve been working on this entire time for Season 4. I just don’t see them changing the current system and essentially stealing the system of a new game. Now maybe in D5, assuming that ever gets the green light from our Microsoft overlords.


Dropping hundreds of blank items and having to craft every single one is not going to work. There is some good stuff here but the current form is not doable.

I could take a stab at it if you want in a massive essay.

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I think this needs to be in addition to the existing approach vs. instead of i.e.,

1/ These drop RNG in place of / in addition to a standard drop

and ideally, for later game…

2/ A NM-sigil-like option to let us run dungeons for only these vs. standard item drops

And I will critique that essay. Make it so.

Really not a fan of all that crafting from the ground up.
In an A-RPG, the main source of items should be going out and smashing an enemy in the head to take their stuff. And by stuff I mean actual equippable items with stats on them. Not crafting material X, Y and Z.

Enhancing the dropped items, sure, that is great.
But dont turn the items into LEGO.

I love crafting and would like to have more control over it. In fact, you will be able to create your own unique uber gears through experimentations, min/max etc. We could have a whole community sharing their unique creations and power.

I guess i dont understand why it would be any different to what we are doing now.

It seems like trading one kind of farming and RNG for another farming and RNG.

Crafting puts control and ideas into the players hand.

The design we have atm is we get to enchant one slot and lockup the loot piece.

This is bad design and offers no freedom to the player.

All the loot in the game is designed around what Devs think the players want with offering no flexibility to the player.

This is why it feels dumb to play the game. Every choice has been taken away from the player.

Look at skills…one of two choices per skill. One enchant per item. Its actually insulting lol.

Why cant we shatter legendaries to make our own? This would make every legendary exciting to get because its going towards a purpose outside of sitting in our bank the entire season.

Just changing the affixes on the current loot is not going to fix the long term problems.

Sorry, I have been playing only Diablo IV since last year (due to work commitment and just only need to smash things up ingame to relieve stress😂). Yet to try other games. Anyway, do let me know which game you are referring to.

Had been thinking along the line on how to make gears “grow” along and “bond” with you. Also a bit sick of replacing gears repeatedly as I level my character.

I just thought of a cool way to do this and its quite good I think. Am doing a write up on how this could work and not be overwhelming or cumbersome but would provide some opportunity to craft with items.

We call it ‘That which shall not be named’ on these forums, as typically the mere mention will get that particular post removed by the CM’s. I’ll just say it’s two words, first word Starts with an L, second word starts with an E, and your idea is very very similar to what they have over there. You can craft and tweak your gear within certain limitations, adding your own desired stats from items that drop from enemies as well as random shrines that just throw them at you if you’re lucky enough to find one.

That is precisely what the proposed modifications intend to achieve. Put the control back into the players’ hand. The developers only provide and control the framework of the gears’ design such the gears’ “templates”, the types of runes, the cost of upgrading etc.

In face, the same design principle can be extended to character development as well. In the end, you can have a Holy Paladin that can resurrect corpses (by allocating some points to Necomancer’s skills).

I finally finished my post on this.

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