Nerf rogue class

Nerf rogue class literally can solo the boss by itself, and yall choose to nerf sorc and necro like what???
Would absolutely love to see a damage break down of which class did most amount of damage to that boss willing to bet Rogue leaps above.


best advice. please ruin the game for everyone because my class i play sucks.
shouldnt it be that every class should be “fun”. but no then the work/lifeless creatures can’t separate them self from the casuals.

what the hell happend to gaming.


Another stupid nerf post.


why do you ask to nerf a class instead of asking to buff other class? The crying for nerf is why sorc and necro aren’t as fun this server slam


Here I was thinking that Rogue need some buffs. The imbuement functionality seems OK but compared to equivalent Sorc skills its kind of lame. Needs 2 skill charges or needs to last for more skill uses.

I must have played the Rogue wrong. I played this beta test and hated how boring and underpowered I felt. Didn’t find a single legendary item either.


Actually all I see from your post is. Please let Rogue stay above everyone else, instead of being in pair of the rest of the classes.
How about, don’t ruin the game from everyone else and let them all be the same.

Some poeople…


should be no crying about nerfs or buffs for anyone… we played normal mode to lvl 20-25 in the first zone only… in a beta run, we have not scratched the service of how each class will feel near/at end game. Everyone breathe and get rdy to enjoy the release in 2 weeks, lets save the class change talk for a month or 2 into endgame.


How about we get nerfs for these kind of nerfing posts, huh?


YA you MUST of!!!


Can I nerf you, or this post? Stop trying to ruin the game. Necro minions are in the state they’re in because of people like you.


Please dont ruin rogue now. Shes perfect as she is. Its a skill based class. Hard but rewarded wih great damage output and now be quite

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It’s OK to be bad at video games.


Sorc and necro are still strong. Rouge is good early thats for sure. Its more to the game than to balance it around lvl 20.

Can we please stop these Nerf this class … OMG they OP … threads … Who cares if Rogue is doing well … it’s not like it affects your gameplay. This idea that classes all have to be balanced is broken. If your not having fun with the class your playing play a different class but stop asking for all the classes to be equal.

The trolls that through Necro was too easy gutted the class … Sorc got hit pretty hard …

Please just stop calling for the classes to be equal because who cares … this is not competitive world first raiding !!!


No more stupid nerfs please, If some class is underperforming, you need to adjust that class, not nerf the others.


Sir, you’re a loser.


Um what… It affects every single person that logs in, you gotta be trolling. 1 class shouldn’t be able to “solo” a world boss on any difficulty hence why they are a world boss.

Also the amount of gear/benefits 1 class is getting by being able to solo the first world boss shows that all the other world boss will be able to be solo’d also meaning 1 class is going to dominate end game. Then all you see is rouges running around not a single other class which affects me you and everyone.

well rogues will definately be adjusted, there is no need to call out for it. Blizzard should have all the dps statistics they need after that ashava weekend.

My guess every class gets some adjustments, to be more in line with each other.

If rogue is the modelclass, then we probably see some slight buffs to some other classes.

If its necro, then rogues your in for a treat :wink:


There you go someone gets it these casuals dont understand ! Who would really choose any class other then rogue right now! There was really 3 viable classes at the staty of these betas now there is 1 anyone who wouldnt choose rogue to start day 1 out right now would be a absolute idiot!

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