Nerf everything that gave Whirlwind a boost (and it was still underperforming) and still refuse to increase base damage

Like, come on man. Just let whirlwind stand a chance in… Hell. Pun intended.


currently running whirlwind build and it just straight up sucks. No idea what these devs are doing, I don’t think they know either, facts.


Well, they nerfed everything that was making it usable because those things made other builds overperform, like capping the multiplicative damage boost from Blood Rage. However, instead of considering that Whirlwind was just BARELY usable in this state, and clearly still underperforming, knowing that these nerfs would affect Whirlwind as well, all they had to do was give the base skill itself a big boost. Instead they focused on Dust Devils, then nerfed them a bit, and they still underperform combined with Whirlwind, and their damage is separate from the skill itself meaning you can’t have any variety with the skill. You either go Dust Devil or you don’t play it at all. And even then, it’s still not good.

So Blizzard, just give the skill itself a much needed base damage buff to iron out all of the other changes you’ve made.


Where are you guys seeing these changes? I just read the patch notes and - besides Bash - i dont see what this thread is referencing. Thanks

Nobody is talking about the patch Sketch, ww/dustdevil barb has sucked compared to pretty much any other barb build, other than maybe rend but not sure. It’s bottom-tier.

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The new patch relevance is only just that still, nothing has been done to mitigate all these other changes intended to “nerf” other overperforming skills that ALSO further nerfed an already underperforming one. And that the fix is literally as simple as giving a major damage buff to the main skill itself to compensate. That’s it. The other multipliers are in a good place. The skill itself is the problem.

Also, someone else brought up a great idea about how certain skills should be usable during channeling, like Weapon Mastery skills. Being able to throw out chains or Rupture enemies while continuing to channel, and being able to combine that will uniques like Ancients Oath, Fields of Crimson, or Ring of the Ravenous. Etc. All of which I thought was a very interesting idea and fun ways to have skills interact with one another.

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Whirlwind / Dust Devil sucks!? Thats what im playing this season and it feels like a cheat code. Whew.
Sometimes you get a taste of how the rich live and then go home to your little ranch in the country. Thats what this thread feels like. Oh well. Its a good life. Handful of chickens, nice garden, plenty of dust devils. Poor and happy.


Where does it feel like a cheat code? Overworld content? NMD? Pit? If so what tier?

Also, you’re ignoring the underlying issue. The core skill shouldn’t require the Dust Devil cheat code. The damage should come from the skill itself, and the Dust Devils should be the icing on top.

This means that even if Dust Devils do ok you are preventing any other flavors of the Whirlwind Build from being even remotely possible, let alone any good or any fun.


Dust devil ISN’T good comparatively when Bash barb can hit for 51mill a hit. It’s not even close. Makes no damn sense at all.

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Think I might need to respec my whirlwind bard, then. I was just trying to kill slither as a pit boss on something like tier 58 and even when he went down, and I hit him with everything I had, I couldn’t see his health bar dropping :rofl:

You’re full of it lol, prove what you just said.

I understand what you’re saying now. Yes, I’m using Whirlwind more like a utility skill than a damage skill. I use it to apply bleed and keep Berserking up and to spawn dust devils. All of my real damage comes from dust devils.


ww barb is super fast nmd runner but completely fails at 60+ pit.

Damn, I’m lvl as WW now and I saw someone in chat yesterday say they were doing 80/90’s in the pit as WW. Seems far-fetched?

I don’t want to do Bash so I’m thinking Double Swing with dust devils.

They’re full of it. They’re either relying on DD or they’re hybrid with something overpowered being their main source of dps.

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The Whirlwind Barbarian was nerfed to the ground shortly after release because of those streamer clowns and their chicken followers who then whined that the Barbarian was op. Since then the Whirlwind is absolutely not viable for the endgame.

The same thing happened with the Dust Devil build PTR → live for the same reasons.

Blizzard should finally stop using such streamers for balacing. They represent 0.01% of the player base who have time to invest in Diablo day and night. Players who only have a fraction of this time are then the victims of these this streamer-balancing and find themself in a tedious gaming experience.

Base damage on whirlwind with 5 points in it is less than 11k WITH a ton of str… you put 1 point in ANY other basic or core skill and ITS base dame is like 20-30k off the bat… with only 1 point in… wtf are they thinking???

They refuse to fix OP broken skills in the middle of a season… apparently that includes BROKEN underperforming skills too! Which it shouldnt!


why should barbarians get 1 skill fixed, when their other skills are broken in a good way?

all the while druids have to do p chem and 5th dimension physics to to bring our performance up to below average as all our passives and paragon nodes are worthless.

barb is in a great spot, just because whirlwind is hitting for only a billion rather than 200s of billions like bash variants and thorns, the class doesn’t need a buff.

I play barb but not WW, but i see threads that it can do tier 100. Must take forever to kill a boss.

Almost runs out the entire timer. And that’s while using Tyrael’s which stacks its barrage damage with your multipliers and can crit + overpower. It’s just not enough.