Nerf… After Nerf…

You’ve done nothing but Nerfs. I have never played a game that was hit with so many nerfs on first week of launch. It looks like you guys were absolutely clueless when you made the specs and even after multiple betas and in-house/favourites “content creators” and testers you still couldn’t figure it out. But even so, WHO DA F CARES!!! There are no seasons! No leaderboards! Let ppl play whatever ridiculous build they want! Let the rogues twist blade everything, let the barbs WW the screen, let necros be invincible, let sorcs fly off the screen and drop 16 hydras! Let the druids do 17 dmg!!!

All you have to do is to note them, tell the community you know and that everything will be nerfed for season 1! But for now, have at it!!! Have fun! Be crazy! Wreck the game!

This game is not fun!!! The progression has become a tedious gruesome full-time job! Casual players won’t even make it to 100 by the time season 1 comes out!

In a span of a week you have made multiple builds and classes obsolete. Any notion of building what you like or diversity is just pure bs. There is no diversity. Skills are irrelevant. Legendaries are an absolute must and without em you get destroyed. Paragons you nerfed, which before could alleviate the desperate need for a legendaries.

You wanted to copy PoE, but ended up doing everything wrong. Everything.

Also, just rework the barb class. You messed it up from day 1 when you designed it. You will never be able to fix it since you just put 2 extra multipliers in his kit. Fire the guy who made the design and rework the class.


Agreed. Add a group finder tool instead of nerfing the shet out of everything. Blizzard is bloody useless


If they knew what they are doing, the game wouldn’t even be sold in this manner.
Fixing basic stuff after selling because it’s a “Live service” is ridiculous.


You make good points if they wanted people to continue playing the game. However, they are probably paying significant money to keep the servers stable for a large player population. If most people quit right now, they would be able to reduce server resources, which is cheaper for them. They already got the most money they’ll get out of most people and if you quit they lose nothing.


Sorry no money left to fix the game, it all went into Megan Fox. Figuratively.


Cosmetics is a big deal for them and the advertisement costs and more importantly consistent profit is much more important to them than one initial jump. It won’t be just me, it’ll be a wave and once it starts, Goodluck getting ahead of it. I really don’t understand how could a team/group be so clueless. They had soo much time and yet they gave us a barebones disaster.


Cosmetics aren’t as big of a deal as the game price. Any shop sales are just a bonus, which is why they’re so expensive. They’re not banking on many people playing and making lots of purchases. They’re banking on less purchases for more money. The shop prices are set for when the population is small.


barb and rouge r broken, no point argue with that lol. it will get nerf back inline with other. necro will buff to heaven, sorc will get extra stuff next hotfix. they will never let any class get out of hand.


By the time I have a lvl 90 of them to play, it’ll be nerfed back down lol

i hope they nerf druids soon, we occasionaly do damage worthy of a bb gun and that’s just unacceptable


Necro is already super strong though lol.

So cry me a river, someone pass the tissues.

First time playing Diablo or a Blizzard game I take it?


None of the builds that received nerfs are absolute… Pulverize still slaps. Hard… Whirlwind barb still slaps…hard… shouts are still beneficial but have shorter duration… Nothing broke these. at all. ya’ll are just entitiled/cry babies and against any sort of change that doesnt benefit you


I think the team needs to take a hint from themselves: search the GDC vault for a talk on “Rewards in Video Games” (sorry, can’t post links on forum).

A quote from this 2017 GDC talk from a Diablo 3 RoS designer, Travis Day:

“It is more important to players to feel awesome than for balance to be perfect.” (~35:30 of video; or go to ~26:30 for the start of the section discussing the lessons of balancing).

For the players rushing to the endgame, they’ll probably eventually feel awesome with enough grinding for perfect items, but in the meantime, average players won’t get that “feeling of awesome” and will probably move on to other games.


not really, they lack movement ability vs other class

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I think the most profitable scenario for Blizzard is most people quit except content creators (streamers). They get a cut from streamer viewership so they want people watching the game, not necessarily playing it, because lots of people playing it requires expensive server resources. Even better is the streamers are rich enough to pay for whatever price they set in the shop. That’s what all these targetted changes at reducing fun are for.

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I’m going to give you guys a little game dev knowledge here. There is NO WAY in hell they and their game testers are going to find every single way to exploit damage in a game compared to millions of people. They can only put X hours into testing the game whereas millions can put literally 10,000+ years in the first few days.

Who do you think is going to win the war in finding exploits and issues faster?


If you want them to stop the nerfs you have to buy from the cash shop.

Going back to the roots for Diablo 4 meant taking item/skill names from previous games and copying Diablo 3 mechanics.

New team, new devs. Welcome to Diablo 3.5 Server Slam 2 Early Access Beta.

Diablo 3 took 9 years to get to Season 24 when it started getting better, so you’ll have to roughly wait around that time.


I got pieces for Sorc Ice Shard build but I know if I respec to it they will just nerf it to the ground a second later.