Necromancer Minions

I would love to see some improvements to Book of the Dead…

Like we could split our minions up between warrior and mages…

So i could choose 2 reapers, 2 defenders and 1 or 2 skirmisher and they still keeep their special attacks and 2 shadow mages, 2 cold mages and 1 bonemage…

That would be so cool :slight_smile:

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I would reather see more types of minions added.

Actually, I’d like to see more built interaction with the existing types first.
E.g. give bone mages a bone skill tag, replace cold mages with blood or give us more ways to build into cold damage other than that crappy scythe.

Azurewrath also became an option. :grin:

As long as we don’t have a way to scale cold damage, it didn’t. You touch on an important question, though. Will minions get some form of lucky hit chance? If not that continues to be a large limitation to builds.

ITS Not about damage, ITS about the Strong cc effect, which scales dps via the Control glyph. Maybe Not bis but an Option in either way…10 Minions each with a 20% Chance coupled with bone Spear with extra projectiles means everything Being perma Frozen.

10 Minions each with a 20% Chance

Are you talking about Azurewrath? As it stands minions don’t even procc it and if they did a 20% lucky hit chance doesn’t mean 20% chance to procc but 20% of whatever their base chance is.

Well if give enough feedback about lucky hit during PTR they should have time to add it in. There were examples in D3 when they didn’t just tweaked existing changes but added new stuff when enough people asked.

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It’s probably wishful thinking but the guiding mentality seemed to be to open up more interactions by removing conditionals and adding more tags. Fingers crossed they do the same for minions.

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Ah…okay Azurrath IS also lh, then my assumptions are Off…didnt bother with this sword…my bad

It’s also LHC for “your skills”, which minions aren’t currently. :expressionless:

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Well everything is subject to change, and it is still just the begining.

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I want my D2R 30+ skeleton army.

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