Necromancer Minions Double Dip 🚨

Through testing, looks like necromancer minions are doubling dipping certain bonuses, such as Damage vs. Close Enemies. They inherent 100% stats from player, but if the player is close to training dummy, looks like minion gets bonus effectively twice.

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I can confirm this bug report.


Is it a bug though? Seems logical to me :troll:

You have to be close to your minions for it to apply as per the effect requirement. Since they are close to each other most of the time, what if it applied for each one too?

Yes, I know it’s a bug… I’ll go away now… :frowning:

I always thought those bonuses are basead on necro position, instead minions.

That said, is hard to test if they are taking 2 times, unless im wrong about how it is applyed.

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Diablo is very specific with regard to damage, minion damage and your damage. As it reads: “Damage to close enemies”, doesn’t specify you, so I would think it applies to you and minions that are close to enemies. As with the passive skill hellbent commander where minions deal X% increased damage while you are close to them. If the player has chosen this passive and has damage to close enemies on their weapon, I would think their minions should get the bonus for both. The question is … is this intended or a bug?

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If you take away the double dip they need to increase damage somewhere else. They will be mid tier of you remove it.

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I think summoner necromancers are quite powerful without relying on this bug.

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