Necromancer minion power has been gutted

  • Blighted aspect taking a 60%+ damage nerf this hit minion necro’s extremely hard. The best 2hander aspect is going from 240%x (blighted aspect) down to 90%x (great feast), so in actuality its like a 150% nerf to that aspect slot. Now Blighted aspect needed frenzied dead aspect to function, but given that Great Feast eats all your essence, its easist to run that with the new curse aura to remove essence requirements from the build.

  • Skeletal mages are still not remotely aggressive, they seem unchanged from live.

  • The fix to skeletal reapers gaining both upgrades when the second upgrade is taken has left us with absolutely no cooldown reduction. If we don’t take option 2 we cannot use BCE, tendrils or gain fortify in any meaningful way. Frankly all skeletal warrior types should just have a 15% chance to produce corpses, and add something new as a second option for reapers. I mean barbs have arsenal system which is the equivalent of about 10 books of the dead.

  • Resistance, armour, and life for minions on paragon nodes and skill tree points are useless, please address this. Easy fix. Change these nodes on the paragon and skill tree to give all minions and the necromancer the armour/resistence and life benefits while minions are active.

  • The mage glyph and warrior glyph have useless secondary powers, please address this. Change to match Golem glyph, very easy fix.

That’s all for now.


I tried ossified essense bone summoner with bone spirit/ spear / mages and super slammer golem. Had tons of fun.

yeah I am not suggesting necromancers in general will be bad, or that support minions will either. I am saying specifically minion builds will be bad, that being builds that use minions to deal their damage.

Bone spirit looks to be the flavour of the month to such a degree, its like the dev team picked it specifically and said “lets make all necromancers play this spell”.

Abhorrent Decrepify with Blighted Corpse Explosion still works fine.

its absolutely awful on single target bossing on a minion build where you don’t/can’t stack lucky hit on rings/gloves etc. You NEED attackspeed/crit chance/crit damage and even life over it.

Sure you can do that on a hybrid, but if you want actual minion damage lucky hit is the bottom of the pile for stats you want on gear as your minions get zero benefit from it, and thus its only used for CDR.