Necromancer is a Joke

As the titel says, necromancer is a joke. Speciael Summoning Build, it feel so Weak, that i Deleted my lvl 60 Necromancer…


I totally agree! I’m lvl 65 and it sucks all I do is die and my friends are lower level than me and they destroy everything in WT4. They picked druid, Barb, and sorcerer


I decided on Necro before I purchased D4 (I like the class aesthetic)… Once I played Necro I started rethinking my purchase almost immediately. I gave the other classes a shot 25 to 30 levels and just lost interest in all of them and went back to Necro which feels pretty bad to play honestly… The Bone spears build is ok but its more of a Sorc style build than a Necro besides the projectiles being “Bones”.

Short story long… I will stick it out for a bit, but if Necro doesnt get sorted out in short order I will stop playing. Historically once I stop playing a game that means I wont ever come back to the game. It’s not a rage quit, its simply how I react to games that launch with lots of problems which dont get patched out in the first couple weeks.

I doubt I’m alone in that practice. If you can’t launch a game in good working order you better well fix it quick, if you don’t no one can be blamed for not having faith that the game will be managed well in the future.


I agree, it’s really awful. They should learn from Path of Exile to make a decent necromancer.

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I understand that playing Summoner is difficult to get to Torment.

With wrong gear, wrong starting Paragon board, wrong Paragon nodes, wrong starting glyphs, wrong build, etc.

There are many ways how to fail as a Summoner.

But if you got it right and persisted, it’s very satisfying.

Btw, my Sorcerer friend 11 levels above me is surprised how i made my Necro somewhat way more powerful than him. Oh well. I think it’s the player. But in fairness, Summoner is hard at start of Torment level.

bro no one is using the wrong boards , i can global you

What is your goal? Every streamer disagrees with you. I have spent hours testing and running numbers. The list of bugs is exhaustive. The damage ceiling on summons is 40,000. Do you have any idea how long it takes to kill Uber Lilith doing 40k? Stop trolling.


I haven’t touched the game since they spat in our faces with that patch.

I’m a lvl 94 minionmancer and agree.

I came from Kripp’s time btw. Not saying I don’t care what he thinks or disrespect him because it’s quite the opposite. I was among the top Monk and DH back then. Orig. Paragon 100 and not the reworked version. What I’m getting at is that I’m not a follower and streamers don’t influence what I do or don’t do.

Is that for all minions total or is that for each individual minion? Also have you factored in crit chance and crit damage?

Have you ever done anything higher than nm tier 60?

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I’m going to have to say I feel differently. I just hit 70 and its a rarity I die. The minions just annihilate everything, and for the most part all I have to do is raise skeletons to keep my guys healed with the priests. Occasionally I have to army of the dead if it gets hectic, but for the most part I never die. I switched to World Tier 4 just a couple days ago and its definitely a struggle so far, but not something that I’m unable to overcome. I would suggest that you watch some youtube videos about minion builds being overpowered, and create a build with roughly those same stats. I’m doing the same and just breezing through regular and +20NM dungeons.

Good luck!

That’s around the total average DPS of minions without Mendeln. Maybe it can go up to around 100K with super optimized gear for plain minion damage with an uber dual handed weapon of 850 power, but that’s about it.

In other words, worthless, that’s why every minion necro optimizes his build for Mendel after it gets droped instead of plain damage, and even then, it sucks compared to bone spear build, even with the bone prison bug.

When you are playing against enemies at around your level, everything works basically, but you’ll fail miserably pushing NM dungeons.

PS: And by failing I mean time per run; it’s not about finishing it, it’s about farming it reliably, fast and without skipping elites.

Cool video. Will blizzard see it and do something about it? Lol no are you stupid. Another video screaming into a void for a dev team who HATES you.

Make no mistake. Blizzard HATES you. They want your money. Slave.

40k for total average is pretty bad, ngl. I’m still interested to see what the gear setup is like b/c I haven’t agreed with much of what I’ve seen so far.

The thing about Mendeln is that it supplements what I’m already doing, not changing w hat I’m doing or doing it because I have it.

Your minions hitting for 4K while Mendel procs up to 1-2 million (per minion) when the passives align or around 400K quite solidly puts things into perspective.

1 single Mendeln proc is equal to more than 100 minion basse attacks, and you can spam that ring with bone prison.

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That may be the case but what I’m getting at is that due to the nature of how you gear Minion Necromancers and what the unique trait of Minions are, I’m not necessarily using that ring because of that effect but rather that it goes with what I’m already doing. Does it significantly increase my DPS? Sure. But it slots right into my gear setup without me changing anything about it. In fact, I could switch to another spec entirely and decimate everything with the same exact gear.

Because you are just doing stuff around your level and not +30 lvls wich is what pushing NM is all about.

Why would I push +30 levels my level if I am not level 100? Many of the 850 power item levels are not on Nightmare. I saw the gear of someone doing NM60+. His gear is just around Power item level 790 to 820. And even Uber Lilith doesnt drop something good. ROFL.

BTW, I got 2x Mendeln rings 780 Power item level. Where? NM25 and Helltide. Nightmare though improves a lot your Glyphs. It’s not all about high NM though but I will get there when I am level 100.

I am fine doin NM45 at level 85. Messy Paragon Boards, baby glyphs, unenchanted gear becoz expecting to get power item level 820+ before wasting Million gold on enchants just for 1 gear.