Necro minions are being buffed

Minion damage could definitely use a tweak.
But their main problem is that dead minions do 0 dps.

You should almost never lose a minion to white mobs.
You should lose 1 or 2 to an elite.
You might lose several during a really hard elite fight.

You should have to resummon all of them 1-3 times during an appropriate boss fight. More or fewer times if youre over/under geared/leveled.


Skeleton defenders should be able to handle an elite, or survive at least 20-30 secs against a boss.


You mean they wonā€™t instantly disintegrate upon being looked at? Hmmm I like to keep an open mind but honestly I thought I was just playing hard mode.


Anybody verify this hot fix is in effect yet?

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Yup. Skelies specced to tank should be tanks. Not a corpse dump.


I think it is. Did Ashava earlier and I lost maybe 8 skeletons total. The aoe attacks no longer wiped them. Seems like they added some aoe damage reduction to them. Skeletal priest heal seems a little better but maybe its just cause their hp is higher. Watched Kripp just now and he played through a dungeon and said his early impressions was like 50% more hp, 30% less damage. But ofc we donā€™t have exact numbers from Blizzard. It feels better now though.

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Iā€™d call it a horizontal rollback.

You know what would be really nice Blizzard, is if you didnā€™t make huge overly harsh changes like this in the first place. Itā€™s very frustrating and worrisome when youre feeling good and powerful with a build and you have to worry about it being nerfed into oblivion. The community backlash was big enough to get this one addressed but what if something else is unnecessarily weakened and it slips under the cracks because people are busy making noise about other issues.


Good for them. I was hoping they would at least acknowledge it and fix it before release. Implementing a quick fix for however many hours left in the test, is great. Props to them for that.


Can confirm, buff is live. Minions take a lot less damage now.


Haā€¦Blizzard caving in, they needed to in order to look caring enough.

Iā€™m imagining aspects and the paragon system down the line will be a far less exciting jump in power for pets as a result of significantly improved base stats.

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They rarely die now as long as you keep your heal up regularly. Feels a whole lot better.

Agreed. He was perfect through out the first beta run

Rushing a hotfix for half a days worth of beta seems very panicky.

Some of the big necro fans must have actually been canceling pre-orders and made them flinch.

Defenders are defo tanks now, but damage is kind of piddling. The skirmishers do better damage, but still get melted if swarmed, tho not as fast as before.

Itā€™s not perfect, but at least itā€™s playable.

i wonder if its worth it going thorns necro with defenders ā€¦ probably only early game im guessing

Yeah it helps their damage a lot

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This is why you never want to be the over performing class out of the gate, because stuff like this is inevitable when you are.

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That always helps. Specialy when we donā€™t act like a D-bag.

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I think reapers are a good middle ground. And with cold mages applying vulnerability there is synergy between them and reapers.