Necro minions are being buffed

I bet you’d probably also stick to eternal realm if there was nothing new in every new season, which is what D2 ladder was.

ya… i mean we’ll see what they add first season, in d3 i did not play seasons i sticked to eternal or “non season” realm, i had no issues (besides the game being trash) because paragons gave me a reason to keep playing.

i’m really not sure what i’m going to do with d4, i’m kind of scared i might quit

I mean you Can do both. Downside g on what you have time for. Eternal for your main and seasonal to try new things and whatever the seasonal gimmick will be. Eternal won’t have everything the seasonal server will

necro minions suck so bad I lost the appetite to play


Before the game is out/during betas, they absolutely should make whatever drastic changes they think are right, and see what sticks. When the game is officially out they should dial it back but during beta, heck, change everything, back and forth, just make sure to get it right on launch day.

If you’re frustrating by changes made to a beta of a game before it’s even out you need to step back and reassess things

skipping a season here and there is perfectly fine I did this in D3 and played other games.


Ran through a few scenarios with a new character, definitely a big difference.

I’ve always felt that they’ll need another buff come end game, but this feels pretty good for this level. They can still die, but it’s manageable, even with a lot of enemies and AOE attacks.

They wont dial their balancing efforts back at all. This game will see a lot of balance changes over time.

Well just have to see how much the paragon board, gear with +%minion hp, and legendary aspects matter.

There’s a legendary aspect that is minions have 20% damage reduction. And there’s multiple things on the paragon board that give minion damage reduction too. And we get skill points to buff damage reduction, and increase priests heal. I think it will be alright.

Necro feels so much better now. Did a quick test with some of the enemies on the overworld, and I wasn’t watching skeletons die as soon as they were spawned. They can actually contribute now.

They aren’t back to the CBT levels of survivability, which is fine, but at least they’re viable now. Looks like I’m back to starting with a necro on official launch.

I didn’t play necro in the last betas, so I have no frame of reference. I rolled one before this change, and I didn’t think it was awful.

Minions took a lot of maintenance, but I think I would have gotten bored if it was as OP as people showed it being before. This isn’t supposed to be Path of Exile, after all.

This is nice, most other complaints where just a bunch of crybabies QQing about FOMO or the lack of time and skill.

Good job on the quick response Blizz! Fixing it during the beta shows you guys do care if it comes to legitimate complaints!

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To provied feedbacks on skeleton minions survivability after this hotfix? Yeah, i know, this is insane.

Which is why my post is mostly about the future. In an ideal world imo they wouldnt make huge changes that piss people off in the first place. If any, it would be nice to see small to moderate changes.

I know that wont happen though tbh which I find extremely frustrating. Ill be actively trying to find ways to avoid the stress and axiety that comes from worrying about nerfs by trying to play builds that I don’t think are likely to be hit. Im on the spectrum so people really have no idea how frustrating it can be for me to have changes like this forced on me.

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That is the only changes they know how to make sadly. 20 years of blizzard gaming, if anything else, they are consistent with the crazy changes rather than incremental changes.

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this was my plan with decrep

They did not say what buffs they getting but yes they needed it cause they were dieing to normal mobs and that was rudiculas. In fact this shows they caved into the whiners and did balance from level 25 and that is why i am canceling my preorder.

Any company that balances off at level 25 when there is no reason to twink out till max level shows they have not learned from wow and all their other games.

They dont deserve my money

i’m sure they just nerfed some aspect or paragon later on like with druid pets after they got their “buff”. so cave for leveling purposes but endwise remains same

edit: darn deleted last post cause I thought it wasn’t a reply on accident :crazy_face:

No it was way OP. It was a joke.

Sorry, how do you know you have been hotfix. My Necro sux very bad now, I just started 30mins ago.

I am feeling like refunding the game. Blizz Destroyed my favorite class. All dead one hit by the first demon boss.

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