Necro Minions AI problems still persist and its been almost an year from D4 release

Hello fellow summoners.

I have been searching the net, but i dont see anywhere any dev feedback on the AI
problems of the minions. Its been almost an year since D4 release and main problems is till there.

I tried the new patch and loved the imporvmenets for the minions. Finally!!!

But their AI is still the same. Half of them attack, the other half just stand and awe and the surroundings or move around like chickens…

Is there any light of hope for sloving this problem?

It’ always the down side of minion builds. Atleast they finaly make up for their lack of intelligence in damage.

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Exactly as Indian said. If they gave the minions the kind of AI that was more akin to NMD 100 mobs, we would be in a place where a substantial nerf in damage and survivability would be in place prior to S4.

Look at d3. They literally had powers that straight up made them immune to damage. And the command Skeleton skill was amazing. Buff the damage while attacking a specific target. And they would literally teleport to that mob, bypassing walls.

D3 minions > d4 minions. And it’s not even close.

I posted a thread the other day in the Necro forum here about how to add in the ability to control/target minions to focus attack/defend etc. intuitively within the controller scheme without overstepping existing controls or overcomplicating anything.

At a minimum, it would give everyone way more control over their minions when AI isn’t covering it, but it would also take a ton of pressure off devs to fix the AI.

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I don’t play a Necromancer, but I was listening to one of Raxxanterax’s streams and he had sent an email to Blizzard talking about AI minion issues and Blizzard responded that, and I am paraphrasing, they are aware and that they are going to work on it in the future, but they need to get S4 and all those changes out first before working on minion AI’s. His stream was maybe 1-2 weeks ago on that topic.

That’s all I know about this one.

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True. Diablo 3 Necromancer is the best of all to date. Its fast, powerfull and the minions are strong.

Diablo 4 minions would be fine even right now if the Golem didnt spend 50% of his time afk or killing 1 little spider instead of focusing Elite Packs

Minions pretty much require big corpse tendrils pulls. Otherwise, they spread out and attack random enemies off screen. They absolutely need help from pixel pulls to make use of their piercing attacks and cleave.

By doing absolutely 0 dmage above torment 6.:laughing:

I must have played a different D3.

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They could just add a “Mark Target” to a curse. It could come in the form of a glyph or paragon system. It would be a fairly simple thing to implement at least we could have our minions attacking what we want them to attack.

Since curses are AoE. Which target should they attack? You can allready make them engage in combat aka attack in that general area with curses.

Me too, I don’t know how anyone could compare D3 to D2 where you could literally teleport on top of enemies with an army of 80 summons and one hit diablo. Its not even a contest, unless you started with D3 and are making the comparison based off second hand information.

As far as D4 go I was more than pleased with the way they handled minions, it felt like a callback to D2 more than anything else. I’m excited about the damage buff but I had the easiest time to 100 where my sorc friend needed to be carried through half the game to get good enough stuff to be viable.

How well they preformed in the PTR, D4 summon mancer is even better than the D2 summon mancer.

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Dude I’m so excited too, Next season I’m going to go rogue for my main but I’m definitely going to rush a necro too just for fun. Even Immortal had a better Necro than 3 and I loved the radial zone for the corpse explosion but D3 necro was a major disappointment and came way too late after way too much hype. Should have been included since day 1 so they had the time to bake it like the other classes instead of dropping the malformed step child necro we got.