Necro about to get a massive power spike

It’s already the best class after SB, but man the changes to summons are going to just propel it into the stratosphere unless some nerfs are made to balance it out I think.

Shadow should be especially ridiculous, now that your minions will be able to proc Xfal’s. Might even combine it with the blood Nova unique (name escapes me)

I am not sure anything you wrote is correct.

  1. Minion necro is not even the best necro build.

  2. Xfal’s is for dot damage, no minion is doing dot damage.
    Maybe some seasonal mechanic might do this.
    Or maybe Shademist Aura could proc it, but that depends on the lucky hit chance.

We need the full patch notes to see potential in the summons’ changes.

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What are you talking about there’s an entire shadow minion build that relies on Shadowblight.

To be totally clear here.
I played a Shadowblight Key Passive built with minions and blight using Ebonpiercer to get the most amount of Shadowblight procs.

Every minion build is either doing the damage with Mendeln or is doing a lot less damage without building into minions and can do enough damage to get into Torment 4, not more.

Shadowblight is not using minion multipliers at the moment, so if this does not change with Season 7, Shadowblight will not be a very good build, unless some other big changes are being made.

On helltides_com pit leaderboard the highest Necro clear is Pit 119.
The highest (number 68 of all minions in the list) minion Necro is doing Pit 104 with a Mendeln build.
There is no minion build doing Pit 100 and above without Mendeln.
And because Mendeln is doing physical damage, this is no Shadowbuild.

Therefore the highest Pit clear is more than 20 levels above the highest Shadowblight clear, which I haven’t even found.
Every 3 Pit levels the needed damage is doubled, and every 10 levels the needed damage is ten times higher. So 20 Pit levels are a 100 times damage multiplier.

And therefore no Shadow minion build (not an Mendeln build) is near the top, even the highest Mendeln build is 15 Pit level below the highest necromancer, which is about a 30 times damage multiplier difference.

Edit: Blighted Aspect is usable in theory to get a x55% multiplier, but you loose a better Key Passive with Kalan’s Edict with a 33% more minion attack speed and x33% damage multiplier and an Aspect slot doing about x50% more damage.
Therefore no good build will have Mendeln while using the Shadowblight Key Passive.

We need the patch notes, but also just to get into the PTR and see if things work out the way they said on stream.

Again, this is a gigantic boost to any pet builds I don’t think people have fully grasped just how massive a change this will be.

To reiterate, the game is basically going to treat all damage done by summons as as if it were done by the player and therefore they can now trigger and benefit from any effects that buff you directly or proc off lucky hit chance.

In theory this should even include things like the 10% chance on Razorplate which could be potentially hilarious as you can have up to 15 total minions I believe if you put that one aspect on your amulet.

But more importantly, as I was saying before, taking the Shadow mages while also using the priest to empower your warriors (and yourself which of course double dips) to deal shadow damage and then all of them being able to trigger XFal’s could be absolutely wild.

Yeah it’s just theory crafting currently but I don’t see why it wouldn’t be busted AF.

But XFal’s is only for dot damage and only Shademist is doing dot damage.
Every other damage done by Minions is direct damage, which does not trigger XFal’s.

Ooooo my bad. I thought they all did DoT.

The only damage over time from “minions” comes from aspects like coldbringers or shademist etc, other then that minions do not do damage over time. In addition to this without spells having clear lucky hit values they are assumed to be zero, summons like thorns has a lucky hit value of zero thus would not proc any lucky hit items/spells.

The only way I see this working is if they changed it so that generic lucky hit increases (for example from elixirs) were added to spells without a lucky hit value… this is very unlikely to happen. This would result in spells like Iron maiden suddenly having a lucky hit value if enough lucky hit items were equipped.

How I think it will work is, when minions somehow inherit a skill with a lucky hit value, such as bone mages firing bone spears/bone splinters etc those bone spears/splinters will have the same lucky hit values as that of the necromancer.

anyway, thats my 2p, patch notes will hopefully clear it up.

Minions can proc this now. It’s not as impactful as you think to the point that I actually dropped using my Razorplate in my Thorns Minion build.

While I’m hoping this will be a great change for Minion builds, I’m skeptical that it will be as good as everyone thinks it will be as issues like +% Summoning Damage still doesn’t buff Thorns damage from Minions.

Minion build is far from strong…

Maxroll ranks show tier A, and actually is losing positions.

The only builds that may will be even stronger are blood builds, which already are in a very good state.

Lets be patience and see the patch notes

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I would love to see a tier list of build power that doesn’t consider you haveing perfect affixes, aspects, uniques, masteworks, just showing the bare minimum of paragon points, gliphy not maxed and not haveing mythics. Now that would be a much more realistic tier list.


You do realize that this update will make minions trigger Fist of Fate right?

That’s going to be hilarious for bossing

Fist of Fate already works with Minions, and it’s awesome when it works in your favor. I’m able to one shot T4 Duriel when I get around a 300% buff to my minion’s damage, but it’s not so great when the RNG gods laugh in your face.

Think he just meant the lucky hit effect for all the various CCs.

If I can be honest, I think that ranking comparisons for builds are nonsense. Obviously if you take far positions (Rank D and A, for example), you will see huge differences. But that’s just my point of view. I’ve always thought that Metas are more harmful than beneficial to games. Mainly because they take away creativity from the community.