Nailed it! D4 is a success

Agreed, they fixed so much in a short period of time. I had a great time can’t wait for the release. The story music game play and overall milieu are great. Can’t wait to see you all in Hell. :smiley:


I am hoping that the lore will also maintain itself and not drift off to propagate modern times and strictly sticks to Diablo themes and story.

There were so many rumours, but I am glad I took it upon myself to give this a go personally and it’s like Diablo 3 with an excellent overhaul and that’s good. Happy about that.


I HOPE NOT… This destroy the very basic of game.


What in the the world is “Bob’s your uncle” supposed to mean?

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Yes but the reverse may also be true once we have people at lvl (max) and paragon (max) coming in an 1 shotting Ashava for everyone.

It’s an Aussie Aussie Aussie expression. It’s kinda like saying “and your all good, job done.”

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The game looks like a masterpiece.

The graphics, the dark atmosphere, lighting the gore of it really make up for the game to feel like a proper Diablo Game.

The gameplay itself and mechanics are amazing. Overall being able to stay on level against the mobs looks like an adequate challenge and even with good planning the game may sweep you off your feet.

The story is quite substantial, totally immersive, on a couple of occasions rather gruesome. Sanctuary feels to have become more cruel to live since the events of D2/D3.

I guess most of you figured - the events we’re about to experience in D4, have already happened and Lorath is telling of the past through our own eyes while we get to experience it firsthand. There will most likely be plottwists and I’m curious to see if the story will pick and continue in his ‘‘present’’ or if everything that has to happen has happened.


Spot on mate - devs please don’t mess with what now a fantastic start. I would say no massive sweeping changes, just adjustments and gradual evolution per season. Please don’t listen to the loud posters who want no challenge, more drops or easier bosses. What we have now is rewarding, and is actually well tuned and will continue to be balanced. Drop rate is spot on, world boss was brilliant and its a fantastic game!


Ye game feels like 9/10. Only balance questionable and i hope they will fix stutters

I agree! The server slam was a success! I played with 3 characters and I appreciate the balance of each character. Had to find the correct combos that worked for me. Other than that I appreciate the effort and as a fan looking forward to the release.


I think the game will be great! I’ve played all the beta’s, even the closed one, and It’s marvelous and beautiful! I didn’t manage to finish it this time though I got to lvl 14. I do have some comment’s:
-Many complaints regarding female necro that really doesn’t look very female. I agree.
-The life of the skeleton minions has been totally stripped away compared to the previous betas. I admit, that they were somewhat too powerful previously, but in this beta, they die with just a few hit, and even only one in cellars and dungeons. This really needs to be adressed! It’s a difference of taking an aspirin and cutting off the whole head!

This said, I’ve purchased the ultimate version as well as the collector box, and I look very forward to the final release! :slight_smile:

Thank You!

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Agree to an extent. Didn’t realize how short this weekend’s Open Beta would so didn’t get a chance to play all the characters.

Compared to the last Betas, I like the challenge to where it’s right now for the Sorcerer and the Druid.

The Necromancer however was a huge disappointment. I get that they want a more tactical approach to fights etc but the constant summoning of your skeletons dying so fast wasn’t fun. I couldn’t really do a minion/curse/corpse explosion build as I had to constantly summon Skeletons from whatever corpses were on the ground. I get that there are passive to make them better but why do I have to put points into them to make them viable? I’ve read somewhere that skeletons gain a certain percentage of stats as you level. Bump the percentage a little bit.

For the Necromancer’s Book of the Dead. I think they missed the opportunity there where you can have a system where you can level up your skeletons. Similar to Last Epoch. Not that’s how you design a summoner build. Yeah sure each skill can have points put into it. That’s brilliant though.

Of course personal opinion.


I love how the game is looking, played all the betas and had a great time. I don’t really have any complaints. Once I’ve played the game in its full release state maybe ill find something I might want changed but I can see anything being a game breaker. Blizzard have done an amazing job. I’ve been playing a fare bit of D2R recently while waiting and I love going from D2R and then D4 beta and just seeing the difference and similar feeling. so damn excited for release day.

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Well this is sure a refreshing take. I mostly agree with you. Still don’t like the piggy druid and the nerfed necro minion…but those will get fixed in time. Ok…not the piggy druid…thats for life…but everything else is up for grabs.

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Played sorcerer, frost nova nerf was fine, flame shield was actually a buff, the others I don’t know since I didn’t use them, it still felt very very strong, personally I think the difficulty was a bit on the easy side but we will see where the full game ends at with the extra difficult options.
My build was focused around arc lash and charged bolt, trivializes everything that isn’t a boss especially with frost nova. Only doesn’t trivialize bosses cause they can’t get stunned or frozen.

I umm…don’t think wholesome is quite the right word…gripping maybe, or exciting…but wholesome doesn’t seem to fit. :slight_smile:

Of course it’s your personal preference and that’s totally cool, but just wanted to share I loved seeing the blue magic fly down into the earth often and raise skeletons in battle. Felt so satisfyingly necromantic. The tweaks they made to skeleton survivability have them in a pretty sweet place, imo. But I love seeing the necro cast dark magics and raise recently fallen enemies in the same chaotic battle, such a well-realized class fantasy.

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You’re God damn right! I’ll correct it. :smile:

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My favorite part of Diablo I was the voice acting, sounds and music, but the visuals were intriguing as well. The gameplay was pretty terrible. While they overlooked this a bit in Diablo II, it was completely foreign to the makers of Diablo III. I think the simplicity of Diablo I helped achieve this. It seems the more complex they make the game, the more it’s missing the immersion, and that’s too bad. They’re trying too hard to make the game logical I think. I don’t care that we can’t actually descend 100’ below the ground level of a church and have traversed catacombs and caverns to the gates of hell. What matters to me is that we can go see a room in a church with a demon that has mutilated and dismembered half of the population of a sleepy little village because their king betrayed them to it after becoming tormented by a demon who then possessed the body of his son. Diablo I is so much more personal than its sequels. Who cares about the politics of demons and angels, like seriously? Can we please get back to the depravity? Tell us more about the hero that goes East with the soulstone stuck in his damn head! 25 years later and you still can’t pick up where you left off. Instead I’m given this ridiculous image of heaven as being like a Roman empire with an out of control mold problem, and a soccer mom that’s supposed to be a witch. Man… Diablo II was bad, but Diablo III was fantastically even worse. I can’t possibly see them getting it right anymore. This game should have been taken out back and shot when Hellfire was released.

It’s an australian phrase, commonly used to express the ease of something being completed.

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