Nailed it! D4 is a success

Well this is sure a refreshing take. I mostly agree with you. Still don’t like the piggy druid and the nerfed necro minion…but those will get fixed in time. Ok…not the piggy druid…thats for life…but everything else is up for grabs.

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Played sorcerer, frost nova nerf was fine, flame shield was actually a buff, the others I don’t know since I didn’t use them, it still felt very very strong, personally I think the difficulty was a bit on the easy side but we will see where the full game ends at with the extra difficult options.
My build was focused around arc lash and charged bolt, trivializes everything that isn’t a boss especially with frost nova. Only doesn’t trivialize bosses cause they can’t get stunned or frozen.

I umm…don’t think wholesome is quite the right word…gripping maybe, or exciting…but wholesome doesn’t seem to fit. :slight_smile:

Of course it’s your personal preference and that’s totally cool, but just wanted to share I loved seeing the blue magic fly down into the earth often and raise skeletons in battle. Felt so satisfyingly necromantic. The tweaks they made to skeleton survivability have them in a pretty sweet place, imo. But I love seeing the necro cast dark magics and raise recently fallen enemies in the same chaotic battle, such a well-realized class fantasy.

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You’re God damn right! I’ll correct it. :smile:

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My favorite part of Diablo I was the voice acting, sounds and music, but the visuals were intriguing as well. The gameplay was pretty terrible. While they overlooked this a bit in Diablo II, it was completely foreign to the makers of Diablo III. I think the simplicity of Diablo I helped achieve this. It seems the more complex they make the game, the more it’s missing the immersion, and that’s too bad. They’re trying too hard to make the game logical I think. I don’t care that we can’t actually descend 100’ below the ground level of a church and have traversed catacombs and caverns to the gates of hell. What matters to me is that we can go see a room in a church with a demon that has mutilated and dismembered half of the population of a sleepy little village because their king betrayed them to it after becoming tormented by a demon who then possessed the body of his son. Diablo I is so much more personal than its sequels. Who cares about the politics of demons and angels, like seriously? Can we please get back to the depravity? Tell us more about the hero that goes East with the soulstone stuck in his damn head! 25 years later and you still can’t pick up where you left off. Instead I’m given this ridiculous image of heaven as being like a Roman empire with an out of control mold problem, and a soccer mom that’s supposed to be a witch. Man… Diablo II was bad, but Diablo III was fantastically even worse. I can’t possibly see them getting it right anymore. This game should have been taken out back and shot when Hellfire was released.

It’s an australian phrase, commonly used to express the ease of something being completed.

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It’s only a 2 day “beta.” Once you get the cosmetic, and if you’ve leveled every class to 20(or 25) on the 2(or 3) beta tests… why play more on MOTHERS DAY?!

Exactly this. June 2 can’t roll around soon enough.

Agreed on all points!

Cheers and see you all at launch.

I have really enjoyed participating in Beta testing for Diablo 4. Closed beta was buggy but fascinating in it’s breadth and scope. I imagine I will not get tired of playing any time in the near future. Computer problems prevented me from participating effectively in Open beta 1. New computer; yay. Server slam was a great introduction to the main storyline.

I played 2 characters (necromancer, rogue).
Overall gameplay was smooth. mob levels escalated with the level of my character to keep the fights challenging.

Scenery was stunning in its detail.

The storyline was sufficiently dark while not being totally depressing (Vigo’s heroic last stand, and its foreshadowing, was a nice touch).

The controls could be changed, thank you. I like that the emote system now has practical application in completing quests. It added a fun puzzle element to gameplay.

I played necromancer on day 1 before the hotfix and thought the difficulty level was far too high for WT1. I felt like I spent more time raising myself than I did raising undead. Defeating (contributing to beating) Ashava was out of the question. Thank you for fixing necromancer. I hope it was enough.

I played rogue on day 2. It was a much better experience. I did not die on a regular basis. I could progress smoothly from battle to battle. I could complete the main story line. And, I could help defeat Ashava (I still died a lot doing it, and that’s a good thing).

Well done, and thank you for keeping this great series going.

I agree with some of what you’re saying here, BattleTagged. I think a lot of veterans of the series do. For me, Whimsyshire was definitely the Ewok of Diablo franchise.

So I have to ask. Did you play the same D4 beta that I just did?

I’m new to Diablo and ARPGs (but not necessarily new to looter type games), and respectfully… the Server Slam was garbage compared to the Beta. No enjoyment was had on my end during the Server Slam, whereas during the Beta – my first time with a Diablo game mind you - I did have fun . Though of course the Beta did still have its faults.

• Hard nerfs in PvE games – where we fight bots mind you – is yikes territory. I’m starting to hate how frequent fun becomes patched out of games nowadays. If someone is able to defeat bosses with ease because of how powerful their class is, as well as how good their loot is, how is that a problem? Even if Necro was braindead back in the Beta, how is that a problem? Please legitimately explain it to me because I just don’t see how it’s a problem. The entire purpose of Fantasy type games is to feel powerful and have fun .

• Drop rates were increased during the Beta, sure, but that’s just how they should be, IMHO. I WANT loot. I WANT to be showered in loot. THIS is why I play these games at all. The good stuff shouldn’t rain from the sky right at the very beginning, but it SHOULD start happening fairly quick. And of course the ABSOLUTE BEST stuff should always come from the hardest content. That being said, I still WANT to be showered in loot. I still WANT to feel powerful. You hear it all the time from ARPG and MMO players that the actual fun doesn’t start until you’re decked out and basically become a god.

• A good majority of frustrating things from the Beta make their triumphant return in the Server Slam because surprise surprise… Devs don’t listen to feedback anymore. And not even just things that I personally would have wanted to see changed/improved—there were legitimate problems and issues back in the Beta that still were not fixed in the Server Slam, and the Server Slam actually represents the final game, which makes it disturbing in all honesty how little they listened.

I just spent the $10 to upgrade to the extra-deluxe-ultimate version just because I’m so happy with the state of the game right now.

I know they’re (always) trying to go for a “darker, grittier” Diablo, but I really hope there are a few occasional bits of humor in the game. I already miss Covetous Shen (James Hong!).

The story is really quite good so far and I have no strong idea of where it’s going as we have at least four factions vying for their own preferred outcome (though that bloody wolf’s voice is starting to sound familiar lol).

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I agree. I was glued to my monitor the whole weekend. I really loved the challenge battle with ashava, the first time I battled her it was really tough we only had 8 people in my instance, all level 20. I had all rare, all upgraded with slots we almost had it but the time ran out. So after that I went and did more farming upgraded my new gear, until wb was up again, and once again only 8 people but this time we beat her with 1 min to spare. I had a blast. This beta I chose a sorc the last 2 I was a rouge and nerco I think when it launches I am picking sorc… hands down. I really like this Diablo. It’s good. Only thing I would like changed is the prices in the shops and upgrading gear and so on. And able to have repair kits at the shops to buy or craft them and maybe change the color of the mouse cursor sometimes it’s hard to see a white cursor on snow areas. But it’s not a big deal. 2 weeks can’t come fast enough let’s go June.

Yes, its looking very promising. Even if it lacks endgame for us that play a lot, you will have many hours of entertainment and seasons to come.

Overpowering builds or upgrading builds to meet the stronger base introduces power creep.

As for the loot, it’s much the same as the power - If there is too much, it loses significance.
''absence makes the heart grow fonder"

It’s a simple notion really; you need to work for reward, it will not be handed to you.

yup! I absolutely love the feel of it. Is it just me or do the characters feel like they have some weight?

Couldn’t agree more. Looking forward to sinking a godawful amount of hours into the game at launch :slight_smile:


I wish I could agree, with the way it was set up it was a disaster. If it goes live like this it’s going to bad. If it scales to your level, I’d agree.

You haven’t played a summon necro have you? Especially not at ashava.

Except for the stutters during cinematics and it dropping to 30 fps (while I play at 120+). Also getting some odd flickering and summons have a weird glow that appears for a few frames and it ruins the cinematic/cutscene effect for me.

Other than that, I agree.

Like the game crashing, giving me a “report this error” dialog, and then locking up my entire PC requiring a hard reboot? Also having weird frame drops at some moments where I assume it’s loading textures. It’s not as bad as the first beta but still somewhat present.

I hope they iron out these issues, because I’ve seen a fair amount of people still having stability issues with the game itself, including more GPU breakage.

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