[NA/EU] Clan Council of Ancients Semi-Competitive 800 member Community Looking for players 18+ only!

I’m interested in joining

Please add me on discord


added you to discord you should have a request from lordhalibut

Hello, please invite me. Kerkyy#2625

I have discord, mic, and a regular player.

Please add on discord

I am looking to join a clan I have Discord and I am way beyond 18 limit I am 55 have played all the diablo game and I play on PC only. been gaming since windows 98 getting kind of boring gaming by myself I drink beer willing to help out med retired I can send you my email if you like ? have a 64 lvl necro Please reply back GUESS THIS MIGHT HELP: OLDFART67 #1607

If that your battle tag or discord username? I tried discord and it’s not working. But youc an add me midgar9911

Interested, send friend request on discord. Belive my name there is Mr. Mark

Hello I am interested on joining Council of Ancients

Please add me on discord.


Im interested to join!

discord : Dworphar#2833

Just sent a friend request through Discord to apply at a clan member!

I forgot discord made us change usernames not long ago.


This is it.

Lvl100 sorc mainly interested in group boss runs

Can i please get an invite?

Add me on discord or battlenet midgar9911 and ØGThor#1851

Discord lady_kash
Battlenet shadow#14201

Can I please get an invite? I sent a friend request on discord, discord link in the clan description doesnt work.

Lvl 100 Sorc playing season 2. Looking for guild. I am a 50 year old Canadian.

Discord carson4895

Please send invite if you are still looking

Im interested in joining!

WE are still actively recruiting and growing. Message me on discord if you want to join.

ØGᚦᚭᚱ (Thor)

I am interested in Joining. I am 95 Barb in season 3. Need friends to be able to do the end game stuff. I am very social. Adult and avid gamer.

Discord Name: NarKN