Mythic Unique Drop Rate


I have a problem and I think that there is some error for the drop rate of Mythic Uniques I am constantly farming Uber bosses with my friends (Tormented 200 bosses) and each of my friends have already looted at least 10 Mythic Uniqes and I have nothing yet

It can’t be that EVERYONE but me permanently loots the best items in the game and I don’t loot anything !

Does anyone else have the same problem?


Just bad luck and thats rough tbh. Im up at 9 in 50 but all in all its just rng. All my friends got multiples in under 100 runs. S3 all my friends had both tuning stones in under 50 runs, it took me 300.

At the end of the day rng is rng.

May the rng gods be in your favor.

Ye , i got the unique tuning stone on my first run in S3 lol . It was wild but i have terrible luck with mythics i don’t know why.

Mathematically you should get 1 in every 10ish tormented boss kill, but the reality is that the drop chance doesn’t magically increase after each failed drop.


All this uber boss spawning system is complete trash.
I’ve made ~20 uber runs, got nothing (that is ok), and than I’ve run out of my mats and now I have to farm for hours just for mats (cause in the endgame I don’t need legendaries, aspects, exp, reputation, trashy uniques etc). So the only useful gameplay for me now is a boss farming that can actually boost my build.
Hours of braindead mats grind, minutes of actual gameplay, repeat. At least Stygian stones farm is ok now.
So I dropped it.


Ye no i killed dem 10 times or so got none mythics lol

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Roughly I think I am at 1 in 14 Tormented kills right now. Have to farm more stones which is going to be annoying as The Pit is the most efficient route for me. Need Tyrael’s Might (and some reconfiguration on gear) before trying t7 Horde I think.

I know my luck will change when I say this. I got two shakos, (one had a greater affix but for armor) off the Beast.

I’m not familiar with loot tables, I didn’t think it was possible. I also got two rings of the Starless off Grigoire and one Andariel crown off Andariel (greater affix attack speed). I don’t play a bunch and my friends who grind have gotten less. Rngesus has been good to me.

Nah you arent the only one. I have yet to get one in any season. Other people have extremely good luck and think that is the norm. Maybe it is. but there are also people like us that have extremely bad luck.


Endgame content shouldn’t be gated behind hours of lowlevel content.
They should change ubers spawn price to 1 (or 2) stones and ±0 other mats.


yeah i hate the mat farm. Last season I had tons of mats that I just got naturally, but stingy stones were a pia to get. This season I have little mats but stones are easy to get plus they only cost 1 stone now.

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Did 30+ runs yesterday and got 1. Then did a single beast run for fist before bed and dropped 2 at the same time. Rng is rng

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So they’ve said there’s a 7.5% chance for a mythic in tormented runs.

So the chances of not getting one after 100 tries is:

(1-0.075)^100 = 0.0004113138.

Chances for none in 200 is 0.00000016.

You must be the worst unluckiest person or your fudging the numbers a bit. Or I guess a big is also possible.

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The chance of getting mythic after 100 tries is 7.5%. Same as after first try or thousand tries.

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Unfortunately that is not how probability works. The math is quite simple and easy to Google if you’re curious about the math behind it.

That’s how reality works. If you tossed a coin ten times and got 10 heads, the chance of getting 11-th head on 11-th toss is still 50%

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Yes but you’re only talking about one coin toss there. You’re not taking into account the 10 previous tosses.

If you were going to say what are the odds of tossing a coin 10 times and getting all heads?

Well it would be what are the chances of not getting a head which would be 1-0.5 or just point 5. Then 10 in a row would be to the power of 10.

So the odds of getting 10 heads in a row would be (1-0.5)^10 = 0.0009765625.

Go ahead and try for 10 heads in a row and see if you can do it.

When someone says they didn’t get something in n attempts you have to look at the probability of the whole thing not just each thing.

i have been in about 7 tormented bosses and not a single purple beam for me. I did summon a tormented duriel and some low level guy scored the tyraels might with triple greater affix… that should have been mine, i summoned it! lol


It’s actually 1.5% but you get 5 chances per kill. You are talking about odds though. They are talking about cumulative probability.

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I tried googling it and was sent back to Kangaxx’s exact answer here in the forum. Can’t rely on Google anymore with so much bad math in the world.

The patch notes quite literally give the wrong mathematical outcome.