My Season 5 Ptr summary. Fix what isn't broken, break what is, ignore what needs attention

The “new” end-game activity is boring and old, it is just another rehash of the trap encounters that spawn timed waves - nothing new at all.
The class at the top of the tiers (barb) has been buffed even more, while the one at the vey bottom (sorc) has been nerfed HARD.
The new aspects are too difficult to find and upgrade for a meaningful test, though some actually (astonishingly) look like they might actually be interesting.
Who is in charge of this mess, because for the good of the game they need to be fired.


My barb is doing 50% of the damage I’m doing on the live servers.

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So only 1000x times more than the other classes? :stuck_out_tongue:


I don’t understand how someone at Blizzard thinks that forcing me to play a different inferior Barb/Rogue build will somehow make me enjoy the game the same.


Get it together odd team. It is a PTR so I’ll give them the benefit of the doubt, but it does plant the seed of worry in my head about S5. Hopefully it won’t be a complete skip for me like S3, but if it’s not good I’m not playing it. No sunken cost fallacy here.


my bone spear necro also does 50% less damage compared to live server for some reason.

The PTR is terrible as I predicted, but I found one positive thing about it. Playing through The Well of Hatred felt awesome with the new hell theme and it reminded me of a randomly generated Nephalem Rift.


I agree with this I thought going to hell was great wish was more involved there.

Well said brother, what a disappointment.

This is a favorite buzz phrase for D4 players. Unfortunately, this is factually wrong on literally all accounts. Every top barb build was nerfed. OP, before giving criticisms, make yourself more knowledgeable, because now everything else you said can be called into Question.


Sorc > Druid.

Please don’t ignore our pain and suffering cries dramatically


My main is sorc but I ear you. The point is that we don’t want Barb nerf, we want our class buffs


<— this hits the nail on the head. Make EVERY class fun to play and lock the stupid nerf hammer away then throw away the key. How complicated is that in a non-pvp game? Clearly so complicated it would require some tiny degree of competence - which the devs just do no have,


same, pit pushing 125 and counting for s4, ptr can’t complete pit 120. feels bad

The developer’s jobs was supposed to be very simple. Just multiply the damage of underutilized skills and not touch anything commonly used by all classes. Nerf any skill that does above 100 million dps as those are clear outliers. Fast-track all the mechanic in the boring Inferno Hordes and buff the reward to make it interesting.

I am really not sure why it is so difficult for the Blizzard developers to deliver above simple improvement. Why go the extra length to make complicated nerf to already weak sorcerers class and create a weak chain lightning pant to divert attention? Just to show that their balancing work is sophisticated?

What is always holding back Blizzard is they want to take power away from players except Barb as they so worry we complete the season too fast and expose that the seasonal content is shallow. D4 is a shallow game, they just need to face it and admit it. No point of making unnecessary nerf and stingy rewards from new content just to drag our feet. It just piss off the player base more as we are only on the edge for a long time.


Barbs got some nerfs, but compared to what they did to Sorcs it’s nothing.

I don’t want to hear it, Barb mains. I also don’t want Barbs nerfed, but they gutted my Sorc. People were saying they didn’t want to have 3 defensive skills on the bar all the time but they needed them because they couldn’t kill fast enough. What’s their solution? Nerf defensive skills so it’s no longer worth having more than 1 or 2. Here’s the kicker, though: offensive output hasn’t been addressed in a meaningful way - at least not one which is visible just a couple days into PTR. The nerfs, though, were very very visible on the patch notes.

Some interesting items are showing up in data mining so there’s hope, but as the Brits say, it’s the hope that kills you.


I feel that blizzard are intentionally playing mind games with their playerbase. They must think that we’re morons who will gratefully gobble up the scraps they throw us when they release the next season and leak the “fixes” they’ve made. Sorry but for me it is already too little way way way too late. I am moving on to Last Epoch, who have a small dedicated dev team that actually listen to player feedback. After the first day playing it I’m just starting to get the hang of things and it is already glaringly obvious that it has a lot more depth than D4.