My S4 in review


Total play time around 280h, single build as usual, Pulv Druid. Certainly not everyone playstyle but that’s how I have been playing since the game was released.
I kept grinding this season till recently mostly for Stones but I am done. Last season I managed to do it till the very last day. It is good that S5 is shorter.

Game content

Max Pit completed: P113. Time is the limiting factor for higher
Tormented bosses: check
Lilith: no check. Maybe I will give it another try but probably more skill than I have is needed with my build.

Once geared with fully masterworked gear, any build becomes OP when it comes to game activities other than Pit and TBosses. Did plenty of NMDs, Whispers, Legion events last season, almost none this one. Only Helltides were an acceptable relaxing activity between Pit runs. Not sure this is a positive evolution for the game.

Gear - no trade everything obtained from drops

1GA Shako / 3GA Unique chest / 1 GA Gloves / 2GA Pants / 2 GA Boots / 2 GA 2H Weapon / 2 GA Amulet / 2 GA Ring / 3 GA Ring.
Got 6 Ubers in total from drops, 1 from a Pit Boss the others for TBoss runs.

I have been using the same gear for a while. I am quite satisfied with it. You don’t need 280 h to get quality gear but 280 h is not enough to get perfect gear if this is what you are expecting. Don’t have the highest rolls on affixes but has never been a problem for me. +Skills needed on Gloves and Amulet have been hard to get. Don’t have them on my amulet. Forget about the occultist to enchant them. The couple of amulet candidates I found didn’t make it through tempering.

Tempering / Masterworking

Tempered around 40 items in total, not that many drops were worth it. Half have been masterworked 12/12. When tempering

  • Got want I wanted on 50% of the items.
  • Partial success on 30% but items still usable
  • Tempering failed completely on 20% of the items. Too bad amulets were part of them

Never bothered resetting Masterworking.

I don’t have a problem with how the new itemization system works but the change wasn’t needed for me. I believe it mainly increased trading activities.


Congrats now you lose all that time and effort in two weeks when the new season starts… the game is literally pointless to play due to seasons.

Not really. Characters aren’t deleted at season end. You just go to eternal, where everything but seasonal power mechanics go. As eternal has been receiving the new endgame mechanics and system revisions, you’ll be able to use the character with some new content.

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personally i’am fine with it, i mean it allow for a new game activity.

i don’t think it increase trading activities though , i never traded, never will. (i think trading ruin the aarpg aspect of finding our own stuff)

I don’t trade either. I noticed an overall increase in quality of drops. It makes sense because they are incomplete and half of them won’t make it through tempering. Affixes like life and intelligence/strength/willpower/dexterity that everyone need are extremely common. You can easily get items with at least one of them being a GA. You don’t need all those items and I am sure they are easy to trade.
By the way, my stash is full of them (mostly 1GA). I don’t trade but will gladly offer them if anyone is interested. Druid stuff. I will salvage everything at the start of S5.

Would not having seasons make the current content and state better somehow?
There is always Eternal server if you don’t want to restart every 3 months.

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