My Leaping Rend Barb Build, Level 100 (MELT ELITES!)

I am amazed at how well leap/earthquake damage is holding up. I have the EQ proc/DR increase/decrease sigils, cooldown reductions, etc. I don’t have rend but use hota to dump my fury. I got into World4 in the 50s. Doing helltides and stuff with np 70s. The shouts in this game kinda suck, right? Not enough uptime w.o gimping important stuff. So I passed on all of them. Very basic. I play it like MOTE in D3 except I got hota instead of SS. Setup is 1. Leap 2. Stomp 3. Deathblow 4. CoTA m1 lunge m2 hota
I could see you going mainly EQ damage and use rend, hota, whatever to fill up your bar.
Really having fun leaping all over the place. Maps are easier to navigate. Fury overflows.

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