My Leaping Rend Barb Build, Level 100 (MELT ELITES!)

My paragon board? A mess really. I should probably respec it again. It’s mostly defensive with 6 glyph sockets and the warbringer node for fortify.

Polearm expertise seems still bugged to me. Not sure it’s worth using it anyway.

I think polearm works, just doesn’t show in town.

I swapped to 2h axe anyway.

Ah ok. Mine is a mess as well. I wish there was an easier way to respecc the board and lower the cost.

I’d pay millions of gold for loadouts that you can swap between…

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So the build doesn’t require Perpetual Stomping to reset Leap?

Not at all. I used it briefly around level 60, but you don’t need it with the leap ring. It’s just not necessary.

I currently only have a 3 sec Giant Stride. When I find a max roll, I will try switching out perpetual stomping. Thanks!

Hey look, Rob was fooling around with my bleed stun tricks too…

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I made a thread about loadouts. Surprisingly didn’t get a lot of support on it. We need thousands of bumps, posts, likes, and links to that thread. Let’s get it, boys.

How’s your survivability? I’m using challenging shout and Iron Skin but still get rocked in T50’s.

Just gotta get enough damage reduction. It’s all about stacking it in almost every spot, that and Disobedience on amulet. I can tank up to around T75 before I really feel the clap.

I am amazed at how well leap/earthquake damage is holding up. I have the EQ proc/DR increase/decrease sigils, cooldown reductions, etc. I don’t have rend but use hota to dump my fury. I got into World4 in the 50s. Doing helltides and stuff with np 70s. The shouts in this game kinda suck, right? Not enough uptime w.o gimping important stuff. So I passed on all of them. Very basic. I play it like MOTE in D3 except I got hota instead of SS. Setup is 1. Leap 2. Stomp 3. Deathblow 4. CoTA m1 lunge m2 hota
I could see you going mainly EQ damage and use rend, hota, whatever to fill up your bar.
Really having fun leaping all over the place. Maps are easier to navigate. Fury overflows.

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If Bul-Kathos and Earthquake are used together along with Disobedience on your Amulet, it is a lot of DR and decent damage increase uptime.

Doesn’t this just prove your build is only doing damage because of a bug? And not a “trick”

Earthquake has a lot of modifiers mostly multiplicitives. I would write out a nice formula but im on the stairmaster at the gym lol. Would be nice if armouries were a thing & you could inspect profiles…

Maybe I need to get damage reduction on amulet and replace the + ranks on my chest, but I don’t feel like my setup is that bad. I have 12k life and 6900 armor at lvl 97. Here is

No… it’s not a bug.

It’s working as intended. Skullbreaker does up to 80% of the bleed build up damage. Berserk Ripping deals 60% of the damage you deal as bleeding. That means by design it can compound infinitely. Everytime you stun a bleeding enemy, it’s going to make a larger bigger bleed. Of course, you can only get to those riduclous numbers against a mob that cannot die.

Also that doesn’t make it OP at all, as in practice it’s just not the most effecient way of dealing damage except for maybe against single target non-boss enemies, aka elites.

It takes too long to ramp against trash mobs. Rend’s AoE is trash, and it doesn’t work on bosses.

But you can MELT elites!

Edit: But so can every other class without having to ramp up on damage…

Edit 2; Math: It’s a little hard to tell what all modifiers/multipliers affect skullbreaker’s damage, but even if we assume none (though I’m sure it is certainly some) the math is simple using simple numbers.

Let’s say you hit an enemy so they are bleeding for 100 damage over the next 5 seconds. You immediately hit them again, proccing a stun so skullbreaker deals 80 damage. (The bleed applied by the hit that stuns might also be factored in but let’s ignore that.)
That 80 damage also gives the enemy 60% of it as bleed, meaning it takes 48 more bleed buildup. So, now it’s 148 over 5 seconds + whatever the stunning hit added to the bleed. Time passes, but it builds much faster than it ticks down, so you its always going to grow the number.

Add onto that Skullbreaker proc definitely uses a good deal of your damage bucket multipliers and it goes exponential.

Leap with unbral ring is pretty much unlimited fury. The EQ aspects make it DoT. It goes very well with other dots. It pairs well with every fury spender. It acts similar to the earthen might D3 skill. Adds movement and tons of QoL.
Some aspects may be working too well together (its hard to keep track of the icons) but it isnt exploiting. Its playing within the rules provided. They would hotfix it if it was broken.


They target nerfed my build after Rob uploaded a video of him doing infinitely scaling damage against an IMMUNE mob and then another video of him clearing a T61(GASP!) dungeon while dying…

As an aside, they should really stop calling it a bug when it’s a failure in game design. Don’t blame the coders because you didn’t realize what you told them to do was to make an ability that inherently double dips.

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