My last Diablo 4 forums post. Free advice to fix the game

…What was so good about PvP in D2?

Good question. Back in those days, I enjoyed PvP in D2 because there was no such RPG that was comparable to D2 that has an interesting PvE and PvP modes.

I enjoyed PvP because we can theory craft builds in the battle net forums. We can do low level and max level PvP. Folks socialize and trash talk during PvP. I saw interesting builds from Assassins to teleporting Bone Spear necros. I was the one who popularize the WW Assassin Poison Build and created a build with it. It became a sticky guide in the battle net forums. Unfortunately I don’t see it anymore. It’s been a long time.

Compare to D4 PvP, in D2, folks are more willing to go to town and engage. People respect those folks who fight one on one without being asked to stop meddling.

Part of this nostalgia too.

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Was the combat any more “sophisticated” than it is here or were there just a lot more possible builds and empowering items along with the novelty at the time? Were there even more builds in D2?

Nope. I don’t think it’s more sophisticated. I think it’s more of a nostalgia feeling. Graphics, mechanics, etc are clunkier if you compare to today’s standards. But this is like comparing snail mail vs email.

Snail mail is slow but it has its own merits. You get personalized letters. You can see other folks penmanship. You get to physically drop letters and anticipate your penpals to write back.

Email is convenient and instant but you know some of those social aspects. If you grew up on those times, you’d appreciate the nostalgia. For me at the end of the day that’s how D2 is. It is special for the emotional value it provided during my younger years.


Interesting. Good to confirm.

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A lot of is based of nostalgia too i suppose. Probably some part of it you would never do again in todays standart.
As with the times, we now have a lot of standalone pvp games that can fill that niche better then a weak implementation in a game, where the devs already stated that they do not really care about pvp at all.

That said, you guys are right that improving the pvp aspect helps in longevity of the game, but so does improving the core gameplay loops and other aspects of the game. And that impacts much more players then their pvp mode. And im not convinced that improving pvp for the 3% pvp playerbase is improving the longevity much or will it magically make 50% of its playerbase suddenly invest into pvp.


I’ll explain to you why enhancing PvP creates a more diverse game.

The PvP player is on average a player who is dedicated enough to play the game long term. PvP players are use to doing all the other content to grind the items they need to play the game. And they are min maxing different stats than PvE players. Which creates a market for each different set of gear BIS rolls being expanded to different items for different classes.

This small thing isn’t small at all, as players will actively find more gear that’s worth trading for amazing returns. If you are a PvE player who doesn’t care about PvP, but you get 4 amazing tradables for PvP different classes, you can profit in gear returns for PvE/gold.

What it does is create a market that 3% of the community props up on their backs grinding the game harder than any of you can fathom. It forces a trade economy to establish itself almost. And on the backs of the 3%.

Keep the disrespect for pvp out of here btw. PvP might not have been super comprehensive in d2 but it was fun to solve. And the community was actually good people. Back then they’d help gear you up after they killed you. PvP community always wants to help itself grow because PvP is the ultimate Diablo challenge realistically. we can all beat Lilith or Diablo, but can you beat Doug the Barbarian? And even if you can Doug is just a front for a way better geared barbarian named Doug2.

Are we referring to some sort of in-game trading (what is there to offer of value on the other side?) or is there money involved?

Back in the day I’m sure you could buy items with real money somehow. I never did but it creates more value out of thin air for everybody by expanding rewards and “fun” for PvP playstyle.

The PvP player you speak of isnt the Pvp from 20 years ago. I was a daoc player back then, and that game was 70% pvp 30% mmorg.

Trading in its current state is more hassle then anything especially for gear selling. I did it against my better judgement, i reached gold cap very fast, and it still felt empty and shallow. i bought my pvp gear that i wanted to check out. And all these ppl annoyed the crap out of me, when reaching out from that platform, sometimes taking over 3h or even longer to react after 1 msg from them. And that happened alot. I dont wanna sit there constantly checking if some1 has answered me.

But after doing one player made tournament i lost interest this season, and i wasnt doing bad. It was just the pvp was in such a bad state. After playing alot of different pvp modes in my lifetime, it just felt shallow, compared to like gw2, when most counterplay or tactical components werent even working cause we have such idiotic skills that make us nearly 100% cc immune. I know some ppl still stick to it, but it could be so much better then this crap we have. I doubt these devs care enough, when they, as the newest patchnotes prove, not even care for much diversity in the base game.
Why would they care for an even smaller playerbase?

The earliest i think they might care a bit for pvp, is probably when they stabilized the basegame, and that takes probbaly at least 1 or 2 more years.

And you see what they fix within the season, only small things, or in other words bandaids.

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Is there any ARPG presently with a successful PvP?

before the next post. :hamster: :popcorn:

I believe earlier he wrote that technically a post is what starts a new thread. :smiley_cat:


He also claimed he was a genius… :hamster:

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If he was a genius he’d be able to figure things out…


How many humans have located the fountain of youth through research alone? I’m a small sub strata of all humans that will ever exist for that. Lol. Clown around all you want.

I know the end of game of thrones and one piece, how smart is the rest of the world when all of you couldn’t scratch the surface of either with your combined intellects.

I can solve any written riddle, story based or otherwise. That does indeed make me more intelligent than a wide majority of most people who have ever or will ever exist.

Maybe you’ve heard of the invisible college riddle. Maybe you should check out Prague. Took me like 45 minutes. The invisible college riddle is a math and map riddle primarily. And I solved it in 45 minutes. lol.

Does your research show it is in your bathroom and ceramic? Don’t drink out of it. You have been warned. :hamster: :popcorn:

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Na, I’ll tell you all because it won’t matter. Wyoming is a an amazing place. Good luck from there. Even if I narrow it down that much you’ll never find it in your lifetime.

Also Jean, or as I’ll call you from now on Frenchie, you are asking for them to rework the entire skill tree.

I am asking for them to change a boss from a timer based spawn to a resource in zone based spawn. This would give PvP more meaningful grind due to being able to spawn boss more actively. For all anyone cares at this point they could also set the monster level in PvP zone to like 150.

The point is that the PvP player needs love. We have propped this entire genre up on our backs for decades. And the casual scrub shouldn’t dictate that we have worse gameplay evolution because they are bad at PvP.

Get good. Losers.

This cant be real :sweat_smile::rofl::joy:.


I assure you it’s quite real.

I already posted the end of game of thrones and a song of ice and fire in here with full explanation.

Why is it difficult to believe something Spain spent its entire fortune trying to find is real?

It isn’t a magical fountain of immortality. It just really good for wounds. The story of immortality was like the telephone game. The story got blown out of proportion.

Back when people died from small cuts it isn’t wild to believe people were amazed so many native could have so many battle scars. Infact the reason the Spanish and many others were so well armored back then is because it didn’t take much to cause a fatal wound.

So imagine for a second the surprise when they see entire native populations with many battle wounds that they would have called fatal.

What’s wild to believe is if you believe that the native Americans would bring random people to arguably their most holy place just because they asked for directions to it. That’s a wild take that history just accepts, hey I mean if you look in a book it says it’s in Florida so that must be true right.

But what do I know, I’m not that intelligent according to the masses which is mostly comprised of the common level of intelligence.

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