My damage output is decreasing when leveling up

I have noticed a severe drop in my Wearbears damage output since i levelled up past level 80. At jevel 80 my attack power was only 20k and health 20k and i was hitting bosses (even uber lilith) for over 2mil overpower damage. I am now level 96 with attck power of 33k and health 30k yet i am no longer doing any damage to bosses like uber lilith dispite doing ovorpower damage and crithits to her at level 80.Now thrt im level 96 im not even crit hitting the bosses dispite having a crit chance of 50% and ovorpower guarantee every 12s and every 20s yet the overpower damage isn’t activating against the uber bosses.

Is anyone else having this problem

Edit - Well im now at level 100 with 40k attack power and 45k health and my damage output is still declining

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Yea. I logged in yesterday with my finished character (heartseeker rogue) that killed all the uber bosses (pretty easily) and when i tried yesterday i couldnt deal any damage to them. Even solo i couldnt finish it and im pretty mad cuz i melted them in less than a minute last week. I thought it might be a bug but my whole clan is having the same issue so it kinda feels like they nerfed all the damage for no reason AGAIN. If you figure it out please lemme know cuz im not very happy with whatever it is that is happening.
They hate us having fun and hate that we like to deal big damage numbers but THIS is ridiculous IMO


They nerfing all classes on console to promote the spiritborn class.


Whatsthe point of promoting tne spiritborn if they loose their fanbase.

I dont see the point of this new equipment system that give us increased states on stared equipment if we are goig to be punished for using them

Season 5 is my planned last season. They may do another equipment nerf to support the hybrid stats coming into the game.

Logged into eternal, all my mythic equipment is now legacy. Farmed it again, won’t be farming it a third time.


Oh oh oh no it isnt.
Youre continuously raising the level of the enemies yoy are facing

Yes and had you read the post you’d know that my states had also been increasing.

You’re clearly a lot slow.
Your stats are increasing sure, but are they increasing at the same rate as the enemies defense, resistances, damage reduction… not likely. Also that’s a really low damage number. When the game updated last time, I played for maybe 3 hours and tripled my attack from ~25k to ~75k.

Need to get your atk up… my barb is at over 250k atk power.

Hardly the point of my post. Just pointing out how low the OPs stats are if someone playing hardly evwn casually has higher stats.