My Best Aspects are Already on my Gear

Has anyone any firm information on whether or not the aspects already on my gear in eternal realm will be checked by the new system at the transition moment in order to upgrade my codex since i have imprinted my best aspects on my gear? Yes, i can put in the time to refarm them, but some were quite a pain to get maxed due to the RNG drop system while others were found quickly… I mean, should i have put my second best aspect on my gear and saved the best just in case they would do something like this?

The codex aspects are upgraded via salvaging items, not by “having” them.


Just farm new gear, and salvage old gear as you get the new gear… you keep the maxrolls on the aspects in the codex and you get gear that you can temper/masterwork (can’t do that with legacy gear).

So then, does it appear if you salvage a piece of gear you have already imprinted with you highest aspect of that type that your codex will then be updated accordingly i wonder?

Highly doubtful on this. You can’t extract an Imprinted Aspect now, so I would imagine when the patch hits, you still won’t be able to extract an Imprinted Aspect on a piece of gear into your codex. I would just go in with the expectation that it won’t work, but be pleasantly surprised if it does.

You should make a dummy piece of gear with a throw away aspect imprinted on you know you don’t have a copy of lying around so it isn’t automatically thrown into your codex on patch day. Patch day hits, destroy that imprinted piece of gear, check for the pop-up that says your Codex was updated, or in case you miss that just check your codex anyway for confirmation, done.

I recall someone in the D4 team said something similar to his, that aspects you have in your inventory/stash will update the codex once patch hits, I am old… so I might have heard wrong.

You heard correctly, they did not mention Imprinted Aspects already present on items though.

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You won’t be able to extract any aspect from any gear once S4 hits because they removed the extraction functionality entirely. Everything is done through salvaging now.

My guess is that any piece of gear that has been imprinted will have that aspect put in the codex upon salvaging simply because it’s the simplest method for them to implement. Any new piece of gear wouldn’t care about not being able to receive the aspect of an imprinted piece because to imprint it means it was already in the codex.

It’s more work for them to track an imprinted aspect vs a naturally dropped aspect rather than just put any aspect in the codex. At the end of the day, they really just want you trashing all of that legacy gear, anyway.

A friend who listened to a Rykker video said he commented that he was pretty certain imprinted aspects would be read by the new system at changeover or at least when salvaged. But i know that is not definitive… Sure seems counterintuitive that i should have saved my best aspects and not use them to imprint my best gear… but… “shrugs”:slight_smile: